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[15 / 2 / ?]

No.1961895 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is it with this outdoor bug everyone is getting all of a sudden. Are we as humans using the same wavelength? People are purchasing more and more outdoor gear this holiday. Even GPSs. Sometimes I do think conspiracy theories are true and that Alex Jones is right about the black cube which can control social consciousness. It feeds us input and can statistically conclude to an output meaning it has predictive powers.
Why are (((they))) forcing us /out/side?

Torches are being purchased on mass it seems aswell as other outdoor gear.
I can not fathom why the Swiss want to go out now at freezing temperatures. They never did before so why now?

I personally don't even look at media and just got an urge to get some gear to go hikking. Now I'm going to look like those retard trendy city folks.