>>1975339evolution just means adapting to the environnement, not a a righteous designed path to perfection. Also takes a lot longer than we're wiping things out. Ultimately we're an evolutionary dead end for fucking with our environement so much it can't sustain us anymore.
>>1975299Algae play a vital role in the river ecosystem as a food source for fish and other aquatic animals, as well as providing oxygen to the stream, the stuff that animals need to breathe. Algae also help purify the water, absorbing nutrients and heavy metals from streams and rivers. removing the rocks on which it grows has obvious and huge detriments.
Aquatic insects need rocks for cover as well. many species attach themselves to the rock and cannot move. When a rock is moved, aquatic insects fall, are crushed by the movement, or dry out and die when the rock is placed out of water.
Salamanders like the Eastern hellbender (pic related) live in spaces and crevices under river rocks. They usually pick a spot and stay there for a long time, they have a very hard time relocating. After 65 million years, they're getting to the Threatened status, because of habitat destruction.