>>1979179Just did my first overnighter in winter this week. On ~1800m and with about 150-170cm of snow. I scouted out a spot 2 days earlier to prevent getting caught in searching for one while carrying all that gear on my back, I even prepared it with my shovel, leveled it and dug a hole for a small campfire.
It was a 2 hour walk from my car, which was pretty tough with a quite heavy backpack and through the snow, but atleast i gained some warmth.
Camping itself was pretty sweet, had a hard time getting the fire to start because the dead wood around was ice cold and a bit wet. The campfire was crucial to comfiness, otherwise my toes would've fallen off the next day, don't have any downsocks/campbooties and just my leather boots and some woolsocks.
Sleeping was pretty good, my bags comfort range goes to -5C, but it was around -15 around the tent, but i managed with thermounderwear and a liner. Slept for almost 11 hours with 4-5 times of waking up because i laid on an arm or something, but always fell back asleep right after.
There are only minor things I would change for the next time, but I think the first time to go wintercamping is always gonna be something youre gonna build on.