https://www.loden-friedl.de/https://www.petromax-shop.de/petromax_de/petromax-bekleidung/loden.htmlThose are light fabric though. You will pay even more for thick wool, unless you find surplus.
https://hedlund-clothing.de/herren/herren-lodenjacken/hedlund-lodenjacke-grenland-proFelted wool fabrics (Melton, Broadcloth, Vadmal, Loden, there's a word in every language) predate recorded history, they didn't change much and remained in use into the 20th century. Tweed is unfelted (and also describes a twill weave and certain colourful patterns). Considering it's easier to make than broadcloth my best guess it that it is inferior in performance.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BroadclothFelted wool is warm, reasonably windproof, water repellent (if it contains sufficient wool wax, but you can replenish that)... It was the common and almost only outerwear used in europe. For rain protection, you need several layers though... you will see historical coats with several layer of integral capes, cloaks, hoods with attached cape. These were often made of thin, very dense and very waxy wool. Broadcloth is not truly waterproof, just repellent. It also soaks overtime, which is a problem because it dries slowly. Historically, people dried their clothes in the warm house they would spend the night in, if in any way possible.