>>2016742>We do thoughYou're missing my point. You're essentially arguing that there is no going to far with trying to stop the spread of coivd because "people are dying". Yet people have been dying by the hundreds of thousands from the flu every year and yet no one was ever calling for mask mandates or lockdowns. No one was actively destroying the economy to save the lives of people who were dying of the flu.
>Cars are a permanent necessity, this is a massive false equivalency. Complete non-pointWhy are cars a permanent necessity? Humanity didn't have cars for 99.9% of our existence. For the majority of people a car is just a convenience. Most of us, particularly in cities, can ride bikes, walk, take public transport etc. 40k preventable deaths in the US alone, and no one is calling for the banning of cars.
>Holy projection batman.What have I said that indicates my arguments are fueled by emotions? I'm not the one sperging out here, you are.