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No.2015733 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I'm thinking about dropping everything and doing the PCT in April/May. I'm laid off right now, broke up with my GF, and fate aligns the timing to be able to go on a thru hike for the next 6-8 months. I have no experience thru hiking, but I've been a wildland firefighter for the last 8 years, hiking and camping at spike camps and spending 21+days living fairly rough hiking everyday. I've got no traditional "backpacking experience though. I'm about 20 pounds overweight and have lost the shape i keep during fire season by drinking beer and laying around being broken hearted and worthless. I figure I can just get my supplies together in the next 2 months, and then head for the Mexican border and just start walking north, after i get the permits of course. How feasible is this with no thru hiking experience?