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Jane is what all of us wish we could be

No.2015819 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
-No money, no degree
-Gets dead end job that she hates as a typist
-Friend randomly invites her to Africa
-She drops everything and heads to Africa
-Conveniently runs into Louis Leaky
-Impresses him with her vast animal knowledge and intelligence
-Sends her to the african bush to study chimpanzees
-Spends months alone in the bush, doesn't give a fuck about snakes or jaguars
-Wears shorts and converse to move around the brush
-Emotionally and spiritually connects with her surroundings, so much so that the chimps begin to embrace her
-Doesn't care about fame or fortune, only tours so she can raise money for the chimps

Probably one of the most self- actualized people to have ever existed, absolute goddess