electric toothbrushes are harder to fuck up. however, a manual toothbrush requires knowledge of how to use it properly. the worst you can do with a regular toothbrush is a lot worse than you can do with with an electric one, if you have terrible technique.
it's particularly good for children, because they're incompetent.
also, while i have your attention, invest in novamin toothpaste. novamin, a brand of calcium sodium phosphosilicate, is a bioactive glass sold in toothpastes by GSK, everywhere but the US. we have very particular laws about toothpastes and active ingredients, so the best you can get is fluoride only here, but you can order it on ebay or amazon from canada or uk or whatever.
novamin was originally planned to be utilized to knit bones together around the vietnam war. its a substance that bonds to bone and forms a thin, hard, glassy layer.
it's marketed to reduce sensitivity, which it does, but the way it does that is by bonding to your teeth and forming a protective layer.
fluoride makes the existing enamel harder, novamin effectively clearcoats your teeth.
not a shill, not a dentist, not an employee of GSK. i did chemE in undergrad and did a project on bioactive glass, and i started using this toothpaste exclusively after.