>>2049169no way, im just a proud american patriot like you that wants to spread the good word of cotton.
Cotton fabric is very much breathable and can transmit the moisture away from the body of the user. The fiber is also absorbent so it can easily remove sweat from the surface of the skin, like a towel absorbing the liquid. Additionally, cotton fabric can help you to remain comfortable while working out
Cotton fibers can be used to make weather resistant garments via finishing of the fabric. For instance, cotton can be made into a dense, tight fabric that has a weatherproof finish, yet retaining the breathability and comfort of the fabric.Many other materials like satin, wool, and jersey stretch out or cling to the body and lose shape. Over time, your clothes will begin to look unattractive, and you may need to alter them or throw them out.This problem doesn’t exist with cotton. 100% cotton clothing doesn't lose shape or cling to your body or fall shapelessly on you.. Breathable, summery cotton fabrics further speed the cooling process, since even a slight breeze can usher in cooler, drier air — the heat-busting, comfort-enhancing equivalent of the cavalry.Thankfully, cotton kicks sweat to the curb. Rather than trapping moisture between your skin and clothing to create your own personal sweat lodge. cotton doesn't just sponge up sweat. It wicks the moisture to the garment's outer surface for easy evaporation into the atmosphere. Weaves designed for hot-weather activities and all-around exercise are especially adept at sending sweat packing.
It's worth noting that the health benefits of moisture absorption and evaporation extend beyond personal comfort. Sweat pooling on your skin can plug sweat glands, causing inflammation and a rash. Known as heat rash or "prickly heat," this disconcerting and uncomfortable condition can quickly worsen to the point it reduces your ability to perform physical sport or work activities.