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Don't you know it's a sin to break laws? Oh you don't? Let me fill you in on a little secret Peter 2:13 says to submit EVERY ORDINANCE (law) or else the LORD will DESTROY YOU.
>but that only applies to non corrupt governments and laws I dont like!!!!
Ummm sorry sweaty but it says to obey EVEN THE FROWARD (EVIL) RULERS. And nowhere in the bible does God command you to poach, or squat, or trespass on public land. You better have licenses to live in the woods or else. Silly human you think you can run away from God ?
Poaching is a against the law therefore a sin: same with trespassing, same with squatting, same with EVEN BUILDING A SHELTER IN THE WOODS. Yes your little pile of trees is illegal and a sin to make. Go get a job you lazy bum.
DO NOT MAKE ME TELL YOU TWICE. You should be THANKFUL for the opportunity to work.
Don't you know it's a sin to break laws? Oh you don't? Let me fill you in on a little secret Peter 2:13 says to submit EVERY ORDINANCE (law) or else the LORD will DESTROY YOU.
>but that only applies to non corrupt governments and laws I dont like!!!!
Ummm sorry sweaty but it says to obey EVEN THE FROWARD (EVIL) RULERS. And nowhere in the bible does God command you to poach, or squat, or trespass on public land. You better have licenses to live in the woods or else. Silly human you think you can run away from God ?
Poaching is a against the law therefore a sin: same with trespassing, same with squatting, same with EVEN BUILDING A SHELTER IN THE WOODS. Yes your little pile of trees is illegal and a sin to make. Go get a job you lazy bum.
DO NOT MAKE ME TELL YOU TWICE. You should be THANKFUL for the opportunity to work.