But with very little effort and a little foresight you can somewhat safely fuckoff underground. I'm a miner and before this I drove reefer unit semis. Sometimes to underground storage facilities. They're so big I've gotten lost more than once.
I've got a 20 year plan finally coming to fruition where I basically will break even digging my bunker until I die.
Give or take rock around here is $10 a ton. Highways, dirt roads, landscaping, driveways, most thing cement, some buildings, etc.... it all uses rock. $10 a ton doesn't sound like a lot and desu it isn't. But a 10 wheeler dump truck hauls about 15 ton and a big tractor trailer can haul around 25 ton. So that's $150-$250 a load. You'd be surprised how far that shit doesn't go also. It's like building a house or restoration on a classic car. It's deceiving as fuck what it takes to get shit done. The best part is all of this rock is a byproduct of me digging out my living room with a diy electric skid loader and autism.
Gonna be a good time boys.
The first one will be experimental and I'll even invite all you faggots to come check it out if you want for free.