>>2058505I started the thread because I wanted to hear what others have to say, I didn't start it to listen to myself talk.
Since you insist, here is a translation of one of my favorites by Baudelaire.
Above the valleys and above the meres,
over woods and mountains, clouds and ocean, past
the sun, the depths of ether, and the vast
utmost boundaries of the starry spheres,
my spirit, you are nimble in your flight,
like a good swimmer blissful in the billow;
gaily through the profound void you furrow
with an ineffable and male delight.
Fly far away from these unhealthful vapors,
go purify yourself in loftier air,
drinking, like a pure and heavenly liquor,
the limpid space that brims with shining fire.
Beyond the boredoms, the immense chagrins
which weight our foggy lives with their dark burden,
happy is he who can with vigrous wings
win to the serene and radiant gardens;
happy the man whose thoughts, like blithe larks flying
in the skies of morning, freely use their powers
--who, hovering over life, knows without tryinng
the tongues of silent things and of the flowers.
>>2058508Nice one.