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Hunting on private property

No.2071309 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not sure if this is the right board for this, but I want to know what the best state is for hunting on private property.

My dream is to buy a large piece of land (in the US) so that I can targetshoot and hunt on my own property. Targetshooting on your own property in most states in not an issue, because most states will allow it as long as you have 1+ acre, considering nobody's being hurt. However with hunting, even if you own your own land, most states have a lot of laws that have to be followed, including acquiring permits and paying for tags.

With that being considered, my question is, what state allows for the easiest hunting experience ON YOUR OWN PRIVATE LAND. I specify private because I know a lot of western states have public hunting lands. I'm talking hunting on your own property that you own. What state has the least hoops to jump through if I just wanna go out into my woods and shoot a deer or hog?

>an east coast fag from the suburbs.