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Why I don't upload to alltrails or post locations on this subreddit

No.2073470 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>There's a mountain on state game lands near where I grew up in Northeastern PA that has always been quiet, used only by the locals who would go swimming in one of the waterfalls in the summer time, and hunting in the fall and winter. At the top of the mountain there is some rare blueberry heath barrens and red spruce that resembles the ecosystem you might find in the dolly sods in WV or further north in New England.

>The trail leading up the mountain follows an old logging grade through the state game lands, though the parking lot access to the logging grade crosses through a section of private property. To my memory the property owner was always a nice guy, he would let cars park off the shoulder in front of his place so people could access the logging grade and never posted that section of his land, even in the hunting seasons (which is rare in PA).

>Earlier this spring, someone uploaded the logging trail path to mountain top barrens on alltrails. If you looked at an alltrails map of the county, there's not much around, and there never were any alltrails up on that SGL.

>When coronavirus happened, suddenly the place started getting flooded. It's in a part of PA that's close to NYC, only a ~2 hour drive, and when NY and NJ locked down their parks back in April, we started seeing a huge influx of hikers and NY and NJ plates, which we'd never seen before. My guess is because it was a singular trail in that game lands, it would readily pop up on the alltrails map.