>>2079238>I'm a KHVNo, you're a fucking retard is what you are.
How can you be shocked nobody has even so much as hugged you when you lie about even tiny shit like being interested in hiking. Do you seriously have nothing more interesting you could have put in your bio?
Like fucking hell man, I'm not exactly a specimen and my girlfriend moved across Europe to live with me after I intentionally acted as autistically as possible in our first few weeks together to make sure she wasn't going to scare off.
All you need to get a partner (or just a kiss) is be honest, make yourself interesting and do the most basic of shit to look after yourself. You should hold honesty as the highest possible virtue, it makes people respect you for not being a bullshit artist.
So, now time for actual advice:
What should you do? well, the first time I hiked properly I literally wore steel toed work boots and just normal clothes + my school bag with some water and went about 14-16 miles in a day, so first things first is stop overcomplicating it. I suspect you'll probably be doing less (10 miles) since it's just a date, so grab whatever bag you have, throw a bottle of water in and some lunch (or stop somewhere to get lunch, like a pub or cafe) and walk. When you're walking around point things out like "wow that flower looks beautiful" or if you spot an animal point it out. It shows that you are actually interested in nature and is a good way to start talking.
Also when you meet her, make sure you've got something planned in your head on what to say, girls like complements about specific features not just generic "you're pretty, beautiful, you're dressed nice" etc. Don't worry about sounding cheesy, for most girls if you're cheesy it will just come off as. cute/endearing/actually trying (not just trying to get laid).
Another tip: Wear two pairs of socks so that your feet rub less and if you get the chance then air your feet out when you rest at lunch, it helps trust me.