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No.2087506 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys i dont really know which board this should be on but /out/ seems the closest
im looking to build a 8x6m shed and have been spitballing ideas for a while now, figured id go to another source too cant hurt

i can go full ghetto DIY which will take planning step by step, and might get stopped at any of those steps if i reckon its fine as is, plop some pine posts in, frame it up, then probably get a builder in to do the roof
i can see my self seriously considering letting it just be poles and corrugated tin walls after my money starts burning but..

or go full kit mode that is probably jsut over my budget as of now (im also buying a 4wd First thats gonna cut my money down a bit)
i think i can manage the pad and getting the build started but getting an engineer and shit, if i went with it id probably be kaput on money by the end which is a no go
ill still be working so i suppose that will help me along but i make like 600-750 a week so at most ill probably be working for a week to spin my wheels

i would like to have a workbench/mower/chainsaw/welding side and a vehicle/beers/entertainment side

anyway, i can downsize of course but honestly a 6m X 4m just seems too small when i look at the things i wanna put in it, though i can do away with parking a car in it if this all becomes too much

sure as shit wont look like Pic but the dimensions are correct, i guess itll look like that if i go full kit