>>2106814Fuck you bro, GHGs are fucking nothing compared to every single other form of pollution.
A healthy and contiguous ecosystem is more than capable or absorbing and adapting to temperature change. Animals can move and different plant species thrive. Of course, many animals can't relocate because most habitats worldwide are fractured or no longer exist. Same this with plants. Without some large continuous stretches of wild land there is limited expansion/shrinkage of range.
Chemical pollution, microplastics releasing sex hormones, runoff of all kinds, habitat destruction or fragmentation, all are far more impactful to the actual, real environment. Not some graphs corrolating CO2 and temperature.
Hypothetically cutting GHGs completely by tomorrow would do FUCK All to save the Great Lakes (a local example) within 50 years . Maybe the temperature won't rise 0.2C, wow.
All that money being pumped into "Carbon" initiatives would be far better served into cleaning up industrial pollution, eliminating or reducing fertilizer run off (this is a huge deal in the great lakes), elimination of harmful invasive species, and restoration of key habitats like wetlands, rivers, and bays. You would see a tangible benefit in 50 years, a literal complete transformation. But yeah let's just tax carbon and some other nonsense and feel like we're all doing something.
>>2105466"Intensive" Permaculture is far mor capable of supporting a large population than modern industrial farming. The most productive farms, in terms of yield per acre, in Ontario right now are farms subscribing to some form of organic/wholisitic/Permaculture type of farming. You can only squeeze so much out of good land with industrial NPK+Pesticide style farming before you degrade the lands capacity to produce and you have to rebuild your soil. We are more than capable of feeding everyone with organic produce and meat, but it requires hard work, knowledge, foresight, and sacrifice.