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Outdoor Cat Hate Thread

No.2118072 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fuck outdoor cats and anyone who lets them outside.

Outdoor cats are a scourge and should be wiped from the face of the Earth.
>Kill billions of birds, small mammals, and reptiles every year in the US alone.
>Have driven multiple species to extinction
>Spread toxoplasma through their shit, which poses a health risk to most mammal species, including humans

Also, it's bad for the cats!
>Injuries/death from cars and shit
>Easy prey for coyotes, large raptors, etc.
>Contract diseases and parasites

Oh, what's that?
>B-but my cat likes to be outside!
So fucking what?
>B-but cats are natural predators! It's just nature!
Yes, cats are predators, but no, they're not part of nature. They kill for fun and not for food, and they're not fucking native.
>B-but muh pest control!
Cats fucking suck at pest control. They much prefer easy prey, which just so happens to be native birds and small mammals, to the larger pest rodent species.

I hate outdoor cats. When I finally live in a house, I will purchase a .22, add a suppressor, and run it with sub-sonic rounds so I can stealthily destroy every loose cat I see.

Buy a god damn leash or build a "catio." Do not let me catch your pussy on the street all alone.