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Ids habenin!!!

No.211876 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You wake up to the sound of civil defense sirens in the dark night.
You scramble to turn on the TV but only catch "X area is being evacuated, gather only your essentials and head to-" before the power goes out.


WROL, it's every man for himself.
You can only scrounge up what items you have in your home, "raiding" the neighborhood sporting goods store isn't realistic, at least not in the immediate time.
You must survive for 6 months, starting today, a cold winter is coming (or not depending on where you live) but if you chose to stay in your home or try your luck outside is up to you.
Only vehicles possible to use are bikes, motorcycles, ATVs and the like, roads are clogged from people abandoning their cars.


Where in the world are you located?
What is your immediate plan?
What is your long term plan?