>>2124598> Microplastics, general pollution, unsustainable agricultural practices destroying the land as well as the collapse of biodiversity and so on.Yes, these are all very big issues. The climate change movement on the other hand is largely a con to extract money from the middle-class and consolidate power. We can very easily establish this by talking to an average climate change alarmist and seeing how they support policies that not only don't helps solve the supposed problem, but only make it worse.
1. They're against import tariffs and think global free trade is a good thing. So they want to implement green taxes and punish local manufacturers. What do those manufacturers do? They move to China and not only do they not pay those green taxes, but they pollute twice as much while destroying the local economy and making everyone RELIANT on Chinese imports.
2. They hate nuclear power. Why? Because nuclear power actually solves the problem in an economically sustainable manner. They would rather push for bullshit "renewable" energies like wind and solar that they know can't scale all the while collecting government subsidies and dumb money from retarded "green" investors.
3. They are pro-mass immigration. They argue that climate change is man-made, yet they want to import as many people from the developing world to the developed world as possible, which vastly increases their carbon footprint.
4. They don't see an issue with overpopulation in the third world. Any talk of overpopulation focuses exclusively on the west - countries that would have declining populations were it not for net positive migration levels.
I could go on, but you get the idea. The only conclusion to these glaring and obvious contradictions in their stated goals and their ideology is that they are either useful idiots who lack critical thinking (the masses), or they have malicious ulterior motives (the elites).