no. I will not help you kill yourself by trying to guess a mushroom based on only a couple of pictures.
Mushrooms can and will kill you, or make your liver fail, they can also look and taste like simmilar non-poisonus mushrooms that grow in same areas.
Anyone claiming that they know what it is will actually be an uninformed amature, because someone who knows anything about mushrooms will never tell you to identify based on look alone.
let's start with the bare minimum here just for humor, OP do these fungi fruits have gills on the bottom, or pores? what's the stem's inside look like, solid or a hollowed structure? What color is the fruit when you break it, blue, black, brown? What does it smell like... ect you need to know all of this stuff. How easy does it the top of the mushroom bruse? is the top slimey, or dry?
just ask a mycologist ffs...