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No.2143035 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>live up in the mountains
>friends visit in the summer when the weather gets perfect
>invite two friends, one brings this third really innocent dude that the other two of us haven’t met
>decide to go hiking and then fuck around at the lake
>we swim race to this small chained down platform thing
>friend that brought the innocent dude leaves us two alone with him to go do some shit on the phone
>gets kinda awkward
>he says his neck hurts really bad and slightly turns it to us to see
>i try to be funny and lighten the mood
>”oh my god the bone is sticking out!”
>other friend adds onto it
>”which one?”
>the dude gets really embarrassed and looks down
>i start laughing hysterically while they both stare at me blankly asking what’s so funny
>literally can’t stop laughing hysterically
>roll back into the water out of embarrassment and stay down there for a while
>friend thinks i’m drowning and tries to pull me out of the water
So that’s the last time I try to make a silly joke to somebody I don’t know very well