>>219776>I don't care what others do or like You sound like a 5 year old.
>Actual discussion This is 4chan you twat.
Seriously dude, you've got me all wrong, and now you're just playing defense.
I started a mountaineering thread, you know what happened? Several people (most) claimed they felt "locked out" of the sport, and had no way to participate. Everyone else banded together to try and help them get into climbing or atleast rigorous hiking, we DID NOT however, call them poorfag quitter whining bitches for not taking charge. See the difference?
>OBVIOUSLY haven't read the thread Actually, I've been keeping up with it from the start. Despite the fact that I'm not into actually participating in your hobby, I think it's kinda neat. Kind of like basketball, I'll watch it on TV but fuck playing it.
So what if people bitch, this is the internet, get used to it. Move past them, or try to help them understand why it's not as bad as they think. Instead you get whiny, bitchy, frustrated, and generally start acting like a child when ever anything you don't like happens (Read: "I don't really care what other people do or like" - You)
>Shitting up what could have been a good thing No sir, that was you who relentlessly bitched at EVERYONE you didn't like, EVERYTIME they said something.
>Counting for outdoorsmenship Where is this whole argument coming from? I agree with you, but just because people don't like caving doesn't make them inferior outdoorsmen. All your doing is going "hurrrr i'm more badass outdoorsman than you are feget" It's the literal equivalent of being outsmarted by someone, and retorting with "Well I've got bigger muscles!" Tiny penis syndrome anyone?
Little boy, cool your jets and calm the fuck down. You're currently ruining what can still be a good thread, just get back on track and stop pissing and moaning everytime someone is willing to come out and say they're a little scared.
>Makes fun of word usage Lowest-tier trolling