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How to re-dry a frog

No.2176238 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>found yesterday a dead, sundried frog/toad (unsure of which) in a fishingnet-stick (unsure of the correct term.
>the funny thing is that the fishnetstick had been placed leaning against the wall a few days prior
>no frog had been in the net at thay point
>the only way the frog could have gotten up there was if it had climbed up along the stick and jumped into the net, getting caught in a trap of its own (conscious or unconscious) choice..

The thing is, it was the third frog that I had seen yesterday, the first time in a while, because of the drought.
First there was a small frog, staying absolutely still while ai was trampling around it.
Then a big toad, sitting on a rock by playhouse, not minding me at all.
And then finally I found Sunny, the net jumper. Dry as a hardened plastic doll, with a (interpreted as) peaceful expression.
I put it diwn leaning on a treebranc that was growing upon the porch.
It was a very nice, frogesque serene scene.
I then continued my work with the shed thay ai was occupied with, habing all our wooden building material laid out on theground (was improving the shelves and.. off rail..)

And then like thunder, the rain STRUCK down.
Had to scurry with covering all the material.
°Anyway, this is getting longer than is necessary

The thing is, my new pal Sunny absorbed a lot of water while she/he/xe/they/schmey/baybay and is basically just a dead, wet frog (or probably toad) again. I wish it not to decompose but to re-dryify it.
How do I do that best?
Weather is uncertain, so unsure about how much sun Sunny can het.
Should i go Auschwitz-mode at a lower temp?
Also, would it be possible/blasphemous to bend his front arms into holding hands?

If this isn't /an/ related then please, if you won't mind, suggest a more suitable board/chan?

Thank you and God's blessing.