>>2176662Pretty much majority of my posts will be lengthy like what's in your pic related. Unless it a short response like the whole
>he sits at his computer to waste time on hereHere being /out/
Which this is being an /out/ board, you should be /out/ phone posting, not sitting at your god damn screen typing it out. Now certain boards like /k/, I do prefer to be on my actual PC cause it is easier, specially cause I'm in /arg/ a lot that topic tends to move pretty quickly, It's also easier to respond to multiple people, I actually want to see the guns and gear. For /out/, /b/, pretty much just repeated thread day after day, so I'm more than fine with just shit posting from my phone. This site started going down hill after Sandy hook happen, 4chan was plastered all over the news and brought all the filthy fucking normies like yourself who needs blog posts to talk to one another.