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How many more lives and limbs must we lose in order to wake DMF up and tell them to stop playing with white sharks. This childish game of tagging them is costly and ridiculous. Contrary to belief white sharks are not stupid. Once they find a place that shows them no harm they will swarm to that place. We talked about this numerous times online but the DMF would rather play and make us pay with taxes and with life or limbs for others. The only way
to discourage the growth of white shark population is to kill all white sharks that enter our beach areas. The nay sayers will call me every name in the book for this but I value human life more than I value white sharks. At the present rate of these predators off our shores we will soon find out they are spawning in our areas. Do not get scientific with me and say the climate in the N E, waters are not suitable for spawning because that is nothing but another game.
to discourage the growth of white shark population is to kill all white sharks that enter our beach areas. The nay sayers will call me every name in the book for this but I value human life more than I value white sharks. At the present rate of these predators off our shores we will soon find out they are spawning in our areas. Do not get scientific with me and say the climate in the N E, waters are not suitable for spawning because that is nothing but another game.