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Help a noob in to rock climbing

No.2190663 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's so much confusing information about rock climbing as a hobby out there and I have no way of telling whats bs and ehat I actually need to know. So far these are the impressions I have:

>So there are indoor artificial wall things, and there are premade courses on outdoor rockfaces.

>You can buy all your own gear, or you can sometimes (?) hire some or all of it (?).

>There are different levels of dificulty that you maybe have to progress through in order (?)

Can anykne explain to me how I would reach the stage where I can climb outdoor rockfaces as a hobby, and what gear (if any) I would probably need to buy myself. And how do rockclimbing gyms work? I don't want to end up 'training' at some kiddy play place