>>2219452Respect nature and it will respect you.
Carry a gun, and don't be afraid to use it.
If you are a full grown adult male that looks to any degree to be threatening mountain lions will most likely not fuck with you.
Remember mountain lions are ambush predators, meaning if you run into one odds are it's going to fuck off, unless it's starving or rabid. This is because mountain lions tend to NOT engage in conflicts they won't handily win. This is because if a lion is wounded in a fight it can't hunt, and a cat that can't hunt is dead, so they only tend to go for shit they can basically tko in one go.
Cyotes won't fuck with you unless In a pack and even then, probably not.
Wolves, honestly if you run into wolves I would be fucking impressed because that some inna woods territory at that point.
Bears, this is what the gun is for, even 9mm can kill a grizzly, just learn how to shoot. Article on this very thing
https://www.ammoland.com/2018/02/defense-against-bears-with-pistols-97-success-rate-37-incidents-by-caliber/#axzz77nMD7RxHNow for larp thing
Always carry garlic, always smoke tobacco around the camp, never enter a mushroom ring, and if you get the heeby jeebies and I'm talking the real deal chill up your spine 6th sense shit, turn the fuck around and find another way.