>>2229078>loggers1. they need cut protection in case the saw slips. That means shoes and pants need to overlap at all ties. impossible uwith anything but boots.
2. They are told what to wear by the insurance companies, by people whove never felled a tree in their lives, and think that injuries to the feet are always caused by the boots while injuries anywhere else an't possibly be.
That's why all "professional" logger boots look like parachuter's boots and are so stiff you can't move your ankles at all. Sure, they protect your ankles well - but if you try to climb a hillside in them, you're almost certain to fall. But the insurance will consider the fall as human error, and not reconsider their demands for protective gear - except perhaps to add a helmet or joint protectors.
For another example: Several insurances where I live ban doublebit axes. Supposedly, if they get stuck and you wrench them out, you run the risk of cutting your hand... They also ban thinned or homemade axehandles, because apparently, they think the rare accidents cost them more than paying for wrist athrosis in pretty much everybody.