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No.2240323 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a VW T25 camper and I'm trying to find a lantern to put in it to use inside and around camp. I'd really like a flame because I think they're /maximum comfy/. Also I'd like it to double up as a small heat source for when it's particularly cold. I have been looking at UCO candle lanterns and it seems like the 3 candle option or even multiple single candle lanterns would fit many of the requirements and put out just enough heat for the area but there are a number of disadvantages. The candles are expensive and it's unlikely I would find them anywhere without ordering them. I could make them but to be honest I'd rather spend my time doing other things. I'm not set on candles but I like the smell and warm light. I thought about maybe regular house candle lanterns that could use virtually any candle but I wouldn't know where to start and most of them look very poor quality.