I´m 6"5, broad frame, serious face. Nothing I can do to change that.
It´s been a handful of times I nearly got Peppersprayed, because I had to walk down the same alley, as the woman in front of me.
Bitch was like 60, fat and ugly, I´m not gonna rape your ugly ass, bitch! I´m not gonna rape anybody for that matter.
That dumb hag began walking slower and slower, so I had to walk past her, and as I was next to her, she stopped walking, moved to the side, and put her hand inside her purse. I was thinking this is it, this is how I lose my fucking eye-sight. It should be legal to just sucker punch that fucking bitch, for making ME feel unsafe.
And you feel like shit afterwards, for making some dumb bitch fear for her life, when you just wanna go home.
tl;dr There´s nothing you can do. No matter if it´s on the trail, or inner-city.