>>2249059Depends on a lot of factors. Pheasant and Prairie Chicken are all over the Smokey’s. Quail prefer the Flint Hills. If you’re going by yourself without a dog it’s gonna be hard.
>PhezThey call them ditch parrots for a reason. They can be out in a grassland but I have a lot of luck in around irrigation ditches and they love cattails. Fence lines are also good because it creates a narrow line of brush you can probably cover by yourself easier. Though roosters like to run and pop out on the other side of the field.
>QuailThey really seem to enjoy the knee high stuff that’s clumped up like little tipis so they have a place to hide but can look around. That’s where I saw a shit load today albeit on private land. They also gravitate towards mass. Look for small bunches of trees or brush piles. Fence lines are also nice. Bob likes to sit on a fence post and whistle. When a covey flushes watch for singles to come up after the initial flush.
>Prairie ChickenWide open ankle to knee high grass up north. 300+ acres or you are wasting your time. They don’t like hawks to have a place to roost nearby. There are a few places you can pass shoot them like doves.
>Oh yeah and DovesI shoot a bunch of these incidentally. We got another couple weeks on the season. Just hunt with steel shot. You can get the odd duck or goose as well this way and rabbits don’t know the difference between lead or steel when it hits them.