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Anyone else hate campfires?

No.2259722 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>huge waste of time and energy to collect wood and stones
>need to keep feeding it the right sized wood
>fills your lungs with 1000 cigarettes worth of smoke
>stains your skin, hair and clothes with smoke
>makes your skin dirty and your eyes dry.
>sleeping with greasy skin
>makes all your gear smell like shit
>super high maintenance aspect of camping, could have been doing other things
>doesn’t even keep you warm
>by the time sun has set, everyone is already tired and wants to go to sleep anyway, no point staying awake tending to this dumb fire just for the sake of keeping it lit

Holy shit does anyone else hate campfires?

Last time I went camping solo, I was in the middle of collecting wood and had a huge epiphany “What the fuck am I doing?”

I realised that I didn’t even have to set up a campfire. That I could camp without one.

Holy shit what a revelation to me. Why did this never occur in my mind?

I had a great time after that. No stress, just chilling out, reading, snacking, walking around appreciating nature.

Just bring dried out food. Bring a flask of hot soup that will stay hot for days. You don’t need to boil or cook anything.