>>2264166retard here - I just learned the obvious the hard way. Camped out at Death Valley, overnight temp was supposed to be low 40s - no problem I got a nice 20 degree bag. But wait, there's more - for men's bags the 20 degree rating means you won't die, probably, from hypothermia, the bag is actually rated for 38 degrees +, but the advertised temp rating is 20.
If it was a woman's bag they print the comfort rating, 38 degrees, not the probably won't die of hypothermia rating 20 degrees.
We drove in many miles and stayed at an elevated valley, about 4,200 feet, and the temp was more like low 20s. Fuck it was cold. I could feel the heat escaping from the zipper and the tiny hole open after cinching down the face opening. I rolled the zipper to the bottom to help retain head and stuffed a fleece pullover around my neck to keep the body in the bag from escaping. My face was fucking cold though. Coyote prints all around my tent the next morning.