>>2288601Eyyy wr gang. Mines a 2010 wr250f. Not sure on the exact differences.
Great bike with alot of guts. Top speed ive got it to is 135kmh, but usually i cruise on 90kmh. From what i see any 250 isnt ideal for long trips. Theres a YouTuber online thay did the simpson desert unassisted on a wr250r though, so it is possible.
Ive had to take a break from riding for a while.
Later the day after taking this i went down a razorback and went over the handle bars and had the bike land on me. Unfortunately the header pipe landed on my leg and the bike was pinned there for 10 - 15 seconds, melted a hole in my pants and melted the plastic on my leg. Now im waiting to see if i need a skin graft. Good times.