Being from the southern US, we only get snow about once a year. Whenever we do however, it's almost always nice. The virtually non-existant ice on the roads is enough to terrify the local population away from using them. Meaning work often times sends me home early to save labor costs. After that it's usually nice to just watch the white blanket form on the surrounding landscapes. Ice drooping from the shingles of roofs and stuff. I usually stay inside as long as it snows though, because i tend to not want to disturb it. Then, when it does stop, I go out to just walk. Take in the sight, feel the chill of the still air. ts even better at night. It's so quiet, and the snow usually tends to make the landscape so much more bright. It really makes me forget about my worries and manages to instill a small but noticeable sense of wonder. The desire to go about town and see all the lights shining in a nearly deserted town.