>>2289675I'd assume as a ranger living outside of polite society he'd be fine with absolutely dowsing his woolen clothes in lanolin and never washing off the grease build up, which would make them far more water resistant. I'd give him an oilskin poncho tarp - at the very least to throw over himself when walking in heavy rain and pitch to keep his bedroll dry, and burrito roll bivy in an emergency. Waxed canvas gaiters would allow sweat from his legs to evaporate while being durable (reasonably effective) waterproofing for his legs, I'd give him spare socks galore, and a spare set of woollen undergarments for changing into under his tarp when stationary in wet, cold weather. If he kept the coat I'd oil/wax the coattails, outer sleeves and shoulders, or treat the whole thing and slash vents in the back and underarms. I'd give him gloves and at least a core wrap, if not an insulated sheepskin or wool vest.
If he could get exotic wools they offer better performance for the weight and size. Cashmere, rabbit fur, reindeer fur hides, beaver, even camel all have various advantages over wool.
The leather really is for looks - provides no armour, and abrasion resistance on your core but not your trousers and sleeves? So more wool, with waxed leather only where necessary, substituting wool for linen in summer and felted wools and animal fur in winter.