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No.2294710 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How the fuck did the ancient lads and other explorers even survive in the fucking sun? How the fuck am I descended from them in some abstract way when being out in even a mild day will give me a horrible sunburn and people be getting cancers and shit? What the fucks that shit? Even if they wore a hat and whatever wool tunics that covered them all up it still makes NO sense. None. If I wear a massive hat and the best clothes that cover me up I'll still get burned in some esoteric spot. I've had it up to here with this shit I'm not gonna risk cancer I hate this. This is stupid. How the fuck did we live this long if looking at the snow on a sunny day has a chance of blinding you? How did my ancestors conquer half the globe but if I have anything more complicated than beans and toast I'm on the toilet for the next day and a fuckin half in hell agony. What is this? Did you do this

How do you even protect from the sun??? All you people do is talk homo shit like what the prettiest axe is or whatever but never about this evil thing in the sky.