>>2297489You don't know for certain that they all only climb to look good. If all they wanted was to look good they'd be down at the weight gym. If you don't go there multiple times, start meeting people and getting better at it, you will never meet the ones that go climbing outdoors. And there will be some, I promise you that.
>>2297488I accept that it isn't easy; if it was, you'd have done it by now. But nor is it impossible. It requires that you put in a bit of effort. You can't just magically transform into a north face climbing, ridge-cruising alpinist overnight. Real life is not a videogame. I had some opportunities as a student and I made the most of them (I started climbing indoors just before I became a student, I think the introductory course lasted 3 hours and cost £10).
Most of the barriers to entry are in your head. Until you recognise that and accept the work that you need to do your dreams will remain dreams. Once you're working towards them they become goals.
>>2297490I broke down the skills required into achievable chunks.
-technical climbing
-hiking and camping
-other stuff
Think about it; millions of people climb, millions of people hike and camp. There's a lot of crossover between those two groups. You don't need to be a one man army, you just need to be competent at some very basic, achievable skills.
Think, for example, about a normal day for a normal person
wake up, make breakfast
brush teeth
drive to work
do job
eat sandwiches they made the day before
drive home
make dinner
go for a run, see friends, whatever
make sandwiches for tomorrow
brush teeth
Lots of little skills that come together to allow a functional human to go about their business.
I will post one more reply before I leave. The relentless whining and negativity in this thread isn't even funny and I'm only hanging around to inject some proportion and realism.
Pic related; ice/mixed climbing.