Feel free to post tobaccos (no weed allowed), pipes, collections, pics of favorite combos for going /out/, pics of what you're doing with your pipe and any questions you might have.
Want to get into smoking pipes without spending too much cash?
Get a Missouri Meerschaum Legend corncob pipe and a pouch of either Captain Black or Half and Half tobacco, available at most drugstores.
What you'll need: pipe, tobacco, lighter or matches, pipe cleaners, and either a regular old nail or a pipe tool (combination tamper, scoop, and small pick).
All of these together should run you less than $25.
Having trouble keeping your pipe lit? Fill it with less tobacco and smoke it slower than you think you need to, lightly tamping as needed when the smoke starts thinning out.
If you're still having trouble, try filling your pipe this way:
https://youtu.be/0XHYPso7TXs Old thread
>>2278906 Come on in and get comfy.
I'm afraid of smoking tobacco (even if combined with healthy lifestyle in all other parts of life), but has heard good things about smoking herbal blends. Can anyone tell of their experience with it or otherwise disprove/approve of such alternative?
>>2303305 >smoking herbal blends Ew. Besides, it’s the smoke that’s “harmful”. Smoking herbs will be just as “harmful”. The tobacco itself isn’t harmful. Nicotine is pretty much like caffeine. Only losers get addicted to it. Unless you are genetically predisposed to addiction, I wouldn’t even worry about the nicotine. So my recommendation would be to just smoke tobacco.
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Arango Balkan Supreme, has anybody had it? Looking for some bulk blends to stock up on and this has really high reviews, along with the Sutliff Balkan Sobranie Match. I’m trying to find cheap, but high quality bulk blends like these for my everyday smoking so I can cellar my more expensive tins.
>>2303306 >Nicotine is pretty much like caffeine. Only losers get addicted to it. Are you talking about that one study for a while ago that equates them in carcinogenic terms (in low intake rates). Or are you trying to compare the two like tobacco companies have tried to for ages?
The two work on much different biochemical processes and nicotine has a wider wider range of affects on the body.
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Another quality thread.
the 310 and 311 shapes seem up my alley. been on a cob for a year now and I'm looking for something that will outlast me. thoughts?
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>>2303414 Savinelli is good Italo quality, optically I like the 311 a little better because I am a sucker for stubby pipes but then the 310 is probably the better smoker. Army mount yes please, always nice for /out/. Natural blonde and blue stem? Not my tastebuds but well within limits.
t. only sitter pipe I have is pic related Brebbia.
Unsure if this is the best place to ask, I was looking to get a cigar (and if I enjoy then in the future a pipe). I do have quite a bit of food allergies, including tree nuts. I see many cigars such as the Ashton Classic labeled as "taste of cashews" or "nutty". I presume these are just flavor profiles, but are there EVER instances of pipe tobacco or cigars being infused with ACTUAL tree nuts? How would I be able to know if it is actually infused with nuts or just the taste profile? Will it have an allergy warning? Thanks.
Do you have to tell your doctor/insurance that you smoke? Newfag to this, if so how much do your rates go up?
>>2303717 that would be insurance fraud though
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>>2303638 No. The nutty flavor is literally just the taste of the tobacco. Different strains of tobacco taste different, and while not necessarily meant to taste like whatever is listed in the flavor profile, our imagination and olfactory senses pick up the tastes and associate them with certain flavors that we’ve had before. But no, there’s no nuts in your cigar.
>>2303714 I’ve always just assumed they were talking about cigarettes. I’ve never considered myself a smoker.
>>2303741 >Smoke Pipes >Smoke >Smoking Anonymous
>>2303638 No. Tobacco, like liquor, has different flavor profiles. Look up a description of a good cognac, for example, and you'll see things like "leather, dried fruits, apricots, vanilla, spice". The liquor contains none of those, it just has notes and flavors that remind you of those. It's the same with tobaccos, different varieties and blends taste different. The only tobacco that will contain nuts will be a flavored tobacco, which is advertised as such, and even then I can't think of any that would use nuts of any variety as a flavor. MAYBE hazelnut? Maybe?
>>2303750 There is a very big difference between cigarettes, which are inhaled into the lungs and nearly always have numerous additives, and pipes/cigars, which aren't inhaled into the lungs and are typically- but not necessarily- all natural. Cigarette smokers also tend to smoke multiple times a day, whereas pipe smokers might smoke once a week or even just once a month.
This would be like comparing a guy who drinks three glasses of scotch every night when he gets off work to someone who has a glass of champagne on New Year's every year and saying they're both drinkers.
>>2303753 I never disagreed, but smoking is smoking. Smoking is the act.
Drinking is drinking.
Really the question insurance agencies should ask is are you a fucking alcoholic or not. But they don't because scummy fucks want to nab you on stupid shit
>>2303750 My doctor told me that pipes/cigars don’t count unless you’re smoking several cigars a day everyday. An acquaintance who was a gp told me the same.
Your insurance company may disagree, but they’re in the business to make money. Lying to your insurance company is against the law. I wouldn’t advise anyone to do that, though both doctors I talked to heartily suggested it.
>>2304848 You realize that cigars are fundamentally different because you're not inhaling the smoke into your lungs?
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>>2305758 Wait nvm sorry, I was under the impression pipe smokers inhaled but apparently not.
>>2305758 https://pipedia.org/wiki/Pipe_Smoking_Health >Most Cigar and Pipe smokers do not inhale - unless they were former cigarette smokers. To test the theory, a study* was conducted with an endoscope camera down the nose and throat to observe breathing patterns in smokers. Here were the results: >Former cigarette smokers inhaled pipes like cigarettes. >Cigar and pipe smokers – breathed normally first, then inhaled into mouth only, smoke was mostly blocked from throat by tongue, then exhaled the smoke w/o going into the lungs. >You can test this on yourself. Take a toke on a pipe or cigar as you normally would. Now breathe in and out through your nose two or three times. Do you see smoke when you in exhale? If yes, you are inhaling. If no, now exhale the smoke from your mouth. Did smoke come out of your mouth? If yes, you are not inhaling and are tremendously decreasing your risk of lung cancer. Anonymous
>>2305802 >>2305758 I think some people inhale at least some smoke even if they don't know it or mean to, they simply can't help it due to old habit. Try the test, you may be surprised.
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Someone around here has made a diy pipe? Let me see some pics.
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>>2303722 LIE. are you fucking retarded? who cares just lie you faggot
>>2305802 >Take a toke Dude weed lmao
> Now breathe in and out through your nose two or three times. Do you see smoke when you in exhale? If yes, you are inhaling. >What is retrohaling Inhaling means going to your lungs. Retrohaling, which is releasing the smoke in your mouth up through the nasopharynx and out of your nasal cavity, is NOT inhaling. This is the dumbest test I’ve ever seen. The only way this works is if you completely change the definition of “inhaling”.
>>2305894 Now that I think about it I agree. The test seems to test retrohaling and not what we refer to as inhaling and may be misleading. Here's another article, but unfortunately only the abstract is available for free. It's a small sample size, but there must be more to this than people just retrohaling, don't you think?
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7259968/ >Carboxyhaemoglobin and plasma nicotine levels were compared in five primary and five secondary pipe (i.e. previous cigarette smoking) smokers over the course of one hour's pipe smoking. The primary pipe smokers had low pre-smoking nicotine and carboxyhaemoglobin levels with a small increase after smoking. Secondary pipe smokers had a higher pre-smoking carboxyhaemoglobin and nicotine level with a significant rise during smoking indicating significant inhalation and absorption of carbon monoxide and nicotine. >These results indicate that primary pipe smokers, who have never smoked cigarettes, do not inhale and absorb very little nicotine. Secondary pipe smokers do not lose their habit of inhaling and absorb large amounts of nicotine and carbon monoxide. They may not share the lower health hazard of the primary pipe smoker. Anonymous
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>>2305902 I do agree that there are pipe smokers, particularly past cigarette smokers, who inhale smoke. Same with cigars. I just think that those who inhale are such a small minority that it’s irrelevant. I know the times I’d accidentally inhaled pipe or cigar smoke, I’d damn near threw up. I’ve even tried inhaling my friend’s vape before and had a similar reaction. I know I’m not inhaling any smoke when I’m smoking just based on the fact that I have extremely bad reactions when I accidentally do so with just a little bit of smoke.
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>>2303751 >someone saved my first pipe post Anonymous
First pipe and tobacco. I’ll probably keep smoking this thing for a while, any recommendations on some other decent cheap tobaccos?
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>>2303305 Any time you set plant matter on fire and take it into your lungs you get a risk of cancer, it's more the carbon monoxide and other compounds than anything specific to the tobacco plant that causes harm. Just don't do it too often.
If anything, herbal blends may be worse, most people tend to inhale those vs. only puffing on tobacco from a pipe.
That said, I have dabbled in herbal blends and had some okay smokes, in my opinion damiana and scullcap is the best. Might even have a slight relaxing effect though that may have been entirely a placebo. But it's a little unsatisfying if you're used to proper tobacco. Stay away from smoke shop hemp blends, they taste like ass.
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>>2303765 >Drinking is drinking. I usually take a sip and let it sit in my mouth for 4-5 minutes then spit it out.
>>2306293 might wanna buy a second cob and try some non aromatics. whats your general region?
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>>2306293 Where i live i dont have much choices but I like the alsbo sungold and the amphora full aroma but i didnt like the kentucky bird and amsterdamer, this shit burns your pipe and nt rly good. But i really want to try three nuns as it was the tolkine favorite tabacoo if i remember correctly
>>2306523 PNW, I’m in Oregon. There’s some local tobacco/cigar shops around, I just saw this stuff at the local Rite Aid. It’s ok, but there’s certainly better options. Why buy a second cob?
>>2306720 >Why buy a second cob? Because you're smoking aromatics with Cavendish in your current cob and it'll ghost heavily. If you try a fine Virginia or some other non aromatic it'll taste just like your Captain Black.
>>2306733 Ah, understandable. Are there any cheaper tobaccos that are none aromatic that you recommend?
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>>2306754 >Oregon No idea what they sell over there and what you consider cheap.
Lads, buy this immediately. Obviously I’ve never had the original 70s Balkan Sobranie, but if you want an extremely EXTREMELY smooth, buttery, incense-y, slightly sweet and spicy all day smoke that you can buy in bulk for a steal, just buy it. I’ve just found my go-to.
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>>2303305 its the burning of any plant matter which is carcinogenic too. If it worries you so much dont do it.
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Also, I was this anon
>>2302077 in the last thread. I finally got my Ennerdale Flake, and my goodness, it’s beautiful. It really is mostly almond and tonka bean, no old lady perfume at all. Probably the smoothest and most subtle aromatic I’ve ever had. You know those candy coated pastel almonds? That’s exactly what this tastes like, along with natural Virginia flavor.
I got really drunk and went out for a smoke, i was too drunk to prep my pipe amd light it so my brother just gave me cigarettes whitch i just smoked one after the other. Since then even the thought of smoking my pipe has made me want to puke. Dont smoke cigarette boys, it’s discusting.
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>>2307438 Learn to spell, folks, or you seem as stupid as this chud.
But seriously, dude, at least you learned you dislike cigs compared to pipes!
In case of WW3 happening, how much pipe tobacco do you have in store? I have around 1 kg In jars, tins and pots.
>>2308275 About 2 pounds, aka not enough. But I do have about 500 cigars.
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>>2308434 cigars are for trading
keep them dry yo
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>>2308434 >But I do have about 500 cigars. I only have like two. And they are not even Cuban.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
When my pneumonia/ lung infection clears up, Good god I'm gonna smoke so much
>>2308993 Sad to hear of your COVID-19 infection. I sure hope you make it! Godspeed!
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>2308275 If I smoke a bowl a day I have 4 years worth.
I stopped leaving my tobacco in tins for long term storage, I've cracked more than one open to find out the seal was broken at some point
I don't want to start anything, this is a genuine question. I have smoked cigarettes a few times in my youth and cigars a handful of times with a business acquaintance really into them. It was kind of nice and relaxing (cigars anyways) but I cannot fathom why anyone would choose to smoke tobacco over cannabis. Yes you can smoke a ton of weed and end up high as a kite looking for ways Wizard of Oz is crazy when synched to Dark Side of the Moon or some shit, but a small toke especially of a CBD heavy variety is pleasantly relaxing in a similar way to tobacco, but you get it all in one go then don't have to keep puffing away at smoke the whole time. As the one guy I know super into cigars says he mostly likes the actual smoking activity more than the effect it has. Is that how it is for you guys? To be clear I'm not trying to put down tobacco smokers or change minds, I'm just curious. I love the effects of various things but the smoking part is the worst to me.
>>2309203 Apples to oranges. I smoke weed when I want to get high--not just buzzed or relaxed--and enhance my enjoyment of anything from being in nature to dumbass Youtube videos. I don't do it because of the flavor notes in the weed or the enjoyment of the act of consuming it, I am taking a drug for its mental effect plain and simple.
With pipes or cigars it's a lot more like the reason you drink whiskey. I smoke a cigar because the flavor is good and complex and fun to try to analyze and appreciate, the nicotine buzz is pleasant, and the act of lighting and smoking it pleases my inner autistic Churchill wannabe. Just like you don't just drink whiskey because it tastes good, or just because it gets you drunk, it's the synergy of both things at once. If it feels like a chore, no offense but smoking pipes or cigars is not for you. If you just want a quick and easy nicotine buzz take up vaping.
>>2309203 I don’t smoke tobacco for the chemical effect. The amount of nicotine in a certain blend is pointless info to me. It’s not the nicotine that relaxes me. Rather, it’s being able to take an hour or two out of my day to sit down, enjoy some pleasant flavors in my mouth, figure out what those specific flavors are, and reflect on my day and my life as a whole. It’s a meditative and therapeutic practice for me. I like to be sober during this time of reflection, as to better figure out problems and to analyze why things are the way they are in my life. Like the other anon said, yeah you’ll get a buzz from the nicotine while tasting the tobacco, just like you’d get a buzz if you went wine tasting or whiskey tasting, but it’s secondary. You aren’t doing those things to get buzzed, you’re doing it to taste those things.
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>>2303327 hes talking about how neither are actually addictive, im a sailor and went from smoking 5 packs a weeks to cold turkey working 70 hour weeks in a 45 degree engine room without even having to think about it
>>2303414 found it rusticated, which is gorgeous.
really looking forward to this mail call.
any tips on managing multiple pipes? i have a well used cob, was thinking about sunsetting it to only ever smoke my home grown leaf, and leaving the Savinelli for all the more polished products.
>>2309404 That saved by the bell sampler is a fucking steal. MSRP is like $30. Whenever I order from P&C I add that to the cart.
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>>2309404 >any tips on managing multiple pipes? I just put em on the pipe rack and sort them by how pretty they are. I use certain pipes for certain tobaccos because that tobaccos just work well in them, but that is all based on trial and error.
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>>2309595 i KNOW
i had plum pudding in my cart before i noticed it. this is like $3 more and you get a $13 tin for it. super nice. and peterson is b1g1/2
>>2309404 >found it rusticated, which is gorgeous. Thats a sexy pipe indeed.
>>2309622 pretty goddamn nice
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>>2307270 You talked me into it. I ordered a pound of the stuff. With shipping and tax, that shit was $44. I hope it's worth it.
Looking for a good, cheap, but sturdy beginners pipe. I understand that corncobs are ideal for this, and although I want to work my way to churchwardens, from what I gather those are definitely something you don't start with. Anyway, I'd just order some pipe off of amazon but I've heard that sometimes pipes on there have toxic chemicals and shit sprayed on them because they're "decorative". If anyone has any specific pipe recommendations or store recommendations please let me know, I'm really not knowledgeable at all in this area.
>>2310373 So how does it smoke?
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>>2311331 I am somehow so retarded that I read the OP and missed all the critical information. Thanks.
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>>2311348 I will let you know when I know. I only smoke about two or three times per month. This weekend, weather should be beautiful and I've got a ton of farm chores to do: perfect pipe time.
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>>2309249 >>2309306 Interesting thanks, that was what I guessed and if it's enjoyable then more power you. I have never liked the smell or taste so that's not appealing. A quick smoke then enjoying some fine cheeses and fresh fruit though is I think an analogous activity and certainly enjoyable.
The gf got me some nice stuff for Valentines. Will take some with me this weekend to try at camp
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>>2305804 You do get a bit of the "secondary smoke" effect just from having the smoke in your mouth and around your face. Its impossible to avoid inhaling any.
>>2311348 like a goddamn dream. a dream made out of butter.
maiden voyage was a no-name english blend i got as a free addon when buying from a dude i know recently. delicious.
>>2313933 burned all the way down with no issues. this was taken with only a light shake-out
>>2313933 >>2313934 Now that's a sexy pipe, nice finish and all. I'm not surprised, Italos just know how to make a good smoker. That one will be company for a long time. Is that a really big bowl or do you just have very girly hands?
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>>2314424 i wear large work gloves, but by no means have big grizzly bear paws. it's a pretty big bowl, in my opinion. a half hour quick smoke only fills it maybe 1/3 of the way up.
I bought picrel used and it's obviously not been treated well beforehand. I put some 100 proof whisky and salt in it before I tried smoking out of it because the interior was very grim. When I tried it out, though, it tasted horrible. Very acidic, almost reminding me of the ashy taste I get when I'm at the bottom of my other pipes when I'm being lazy about removing the ash. It's been sitting unused for the better part of a year now. Tried another smoke out of it earlier and it hasn't improved with time. Did I ruin the pipe by trying to clean it, maybe? Is it a bad idea to use alcohol to clean a meerschaum pipe? I just can't bear the taste. It's unfortunate because I really like this pipe otherwise. It smokes really well and I think the rugged exterior would become beautiful as it patinas with use... Is there anything I can try to fix this pipe? More whisky?
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>>2305902 >unfortunately only the abstract is available for free its available on libgen. everybody should know about libgen. even the authors of a paper are usually happy that more people are able to access their papers without paying for a journal subscription, because they don't see any of the money that goes to a journal anyway, journals are a scam that have created the publish-or-perish fiasco that has caused the reproducibility crisis, and because, if their research is actually useful (like it is in this case), wider distribution of their findings actually benefits humanity
sage for off-topic, but really, everybody should know that there are resources available to access information, AND that these resources are not immoral to use
>>2315805 Yes, it's a very bad idea to use alcohol to clean a meer. Meerschaum is very porous. Use hot water to clean your meer. I would avoid boiling water, just use very hot tap water. Remember when your meer is wet it becomes fragile so handle with care. You can also pack the bowl with baking soda and let it sit for some time. That should absorb some of the smell. I think you should be able to salvage it. Do a search of some of the pipe forums for more ideas.
>>2315805 Protip, Alcohol is a meme and "works" only for bruyere and other wood pipes but not for Meerschaum. I'd recommend removing the cake, use a fine sandpaper wrapped around a cork or a wooden dowel to grind it out. Also Meerschaum gets soft when it is hot and has absorbed some moisture, so let it cool down for hours after your smoke before you clean it up. clean the bowl with some paper towel and run a pipe cleaner trough the stem and you're good.
P.S. I can't tell from the pic for sure but I think your steam could be real amber.
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>>2315980 >>2315989 Thanks for the ideas, anons. I'll try them out and see if hopefully I can get the taste out of this pipe.
>P.S. I can't tell from the pic for sure but I think your steam could be real amber. I think it might be as well, maybe from back when Austria was getting more raw meerschaum blocks imported. The stem is a little darker in real life than how it looks in these pictures.
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>>2309203 I smoke weed to get high. When I smoke a pipe I want to just relax and appreciate the act of smoking, not necessarily altering my consciousness. That said, I'd rather not get addicted to nicotine so I smoke stuff like lavender or red raspberry leaf instead of tobacco. I know that's a somewhat looked down upon thing in these threads but I have an addictive personality and I don't want to physically crave smoking.
wife bought me a tin of sutliff's eastfarthing as a random gift because she knows i like lotr stuff expected it to be a messy aromatic with typical chemical taste but i've never smoked a tin so fast before in my entire 12 years of smoking, it's the best damn tobacco i ever had and i'm sad i had the last bowl already can't wait to get paid and buy as much as i can
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>>2316385 Some "English" blends with topping work real nice but they are a rare breed. Imho I prefer English with some Cavendish if I need it sweet.
Gave up smoking for Lent. Was pretty tough just standing outside of the laundromat while it snowed with no pipe last night, that was always a big smoking time for me.
>>2316545 based self denier
did you reflect on Jesus's Passion when feeling your earthly urges?
>>2316545 Same man. This has been the best sacrifice for me so far, keep strong! Whats the first thing you're going to smoke come Easter?
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>>2316627 Ill be away from home till the next week after, probably have a cigar with my dad and brother on the back porch when I return, hoping itll be nice enough.
Strength to you, bro.
>>2316592 Not really there yet, hoping to get closer.
I just realised I've went through 40g of Bernard' Jubilaums snuff in the last month. Putting an order in for 10 tap boxes (for fuck sake Bernard sell bulk bags already). Recommend me your favourites and I'll drop them in the cart.
>>2316697 >snuff as a complete noob "nothing but alcohol and tobacco" manchild, what's the benefit? seems gross
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>>2316713 Watching the light fade from their eyes
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>>2316697 I like the SG Fire Dance I have now. Smells nice, coarse and good burn.
>>2316713 Nothing manchild about sticking to just alcohol and pipes. The primary purpose of nasal snuff is tobacco without the smoke. A great illustration of this is SG's Fire Dance the anon above mentioned, which is available as both a flake tobacco and a snuff for situations you lack the time to enjoy a pipe. Well, and for wagies like myself that would otherwise need to stand in the freezing cold cuckshed next to the bins with the marlboro smokers.
Specific blends do have decongestant or warming properties - I actually started with Radfords mentholated snuff to deal with a blocked nose.
For the actual manchildren, it might be safer than pipe tobacco. There's only one solid record of someone developing nose cancer with nasal snuff, a 70-year old woman. The only other record of nasal snuff causing cancer is an apocryphal tale about a guy that used to put it in his ear. Which is weird given snuff has been in use in England for over 300 years; you'd think some arsehole at an anti-tobacco organisation would have dug out patient records or something. But it probably is safer, owing to the fact your nose is designed to deal with weird shit getting up there.
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>>2316697 >for fuck sake Bernard sell bulk bags already) They do that. pic very related. Pöschl Schmalzler would be another recommendation for bulk.
How long does pouch tobacco keep after opening? I just realized last night that I have a bunch from last summer that's probably no good anymore.
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>>2317722 It depends, check the humidity by pinching it. If it's too dry you can rehydrate it, but it probably won't be the same as before. Next time you should consider putting a humidity pack in there like Boveda and put the pouch inside a plastic bag to make it air tight.
Does everyone just order their tobacco online? Pipe tobacco has got to be the rarest thing at tobacco stores. They'll have cigarettes, cigars, hookahs, bongs, but nothing but the cheap "pipe" tobacco that's just meant to be used for cigarettes.
>>2318427 i dont go in tobacco stores because they're all vape retards around here
>>2318427 There's a B&M near me that has a pretty decent selection of pipe tobacco, its all twice the price of what you can get online so I just can't justify that unless they have something particularly hard to find.
>>2318427 My local cigar/pipe shop is very comfy. No dudeweed stuff and they have jars of pipe tobacco you can open and smell. Maybe even have some to sample if you ask nicely. Pic related.
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>>2318533 military grade jealousy over here, anon
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>>2318427 My brother tells me there's a traditional cigar shop in a town north of me. Hoping to check them out sometime but yeah nothing around me.
>>2318533 Same, but I’m in California so it’s expensive as hell. It’s typically $14 for 2 oz of bulk tobacco like Sutliff or Peter Stokkebye and $20 for 2 oz of premium stuff. So I usually stick to buying online.
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Does anybody know what the typical tobacco blend would consist of in the late 1700s to the early 1800s in the British Isles? I’m assuming straight Virginia, and I know twists and ropes have been around in Ireland since the early 1800s. Would they have had what we consider an “English” with latakia?
>>2318427 My 'local' (about 45 minute walk away) tobacconist is pretty good, well stocked and the staff know their stuff about various pipe tobacco traits. They are a wee bit pricy though, but most tins come in under £20 and it is worth it for that personal touch.
>>2318530 B&M?
As in the budget store? Gotta say none of them near me stocks tobacco of any sort, so that's a surprise.
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>>2318843 Brick and Mortar - physical storefront
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>>2318774 >>2318843 My local physical stores have the same prices as buying online. Unfortunately, those prices are very high, and it's practically illegal to order from abroad. 45 USD for a 50 gram tin is probably the cheapest you'll find here. t. Norfag
>>2318495 My area has lost a lot of fine-tobacco stores to that sort of shit.
The closest two to me are either a "cigarette store" news shop sort of place (where at least I know I can get drug store blends like Captain Black, Middleton's Cherry, SWR, Carter Hall, etc. or one of those, "Like, yeah, dude, we have vape stuff! So like ... you want PIPE tobacco?! We have some one-pound bags that cost less that Captain Black and only in the store brand. Are you sure you don't wanna get a hookah instead?! Or vape! Like everyone's vaping! And these are TOTALLY glass pipes for tobacco, too!"
>>2319580 I'm realizing more and more I'm living in pipe tobacco wonderland. I've got 3 independent pipe-shops / tobacco blenders within 15km, I got another tobacco store in walking distance that sells all the essentials for pipes and most brand tobaccos, I got Schürch taking my bulk orders via phone and I got Synjeco for when I need some rare nowhere else to get tobaccos. The crazy thing is I have no idea how they get by, sometimes I feel like I am the last pipe smoker in town, like I see maybe every half a year or so a person smoking pipe in public.
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>>2303638 Look up what casings and toppings are
>are there EVER instances of pipe tobacco or cigars being infused with ACTUAL tree nuts Unlikely but specialty cigars and pipe tobaccos often use a casing of tonka beans, cacao, various spices qromatics and flavorings. Never heard of nuts though so i wouldnt worry about it.
>>2310373 Plz review again with no cursing, Anon
>>2303148 Can we talk cigars in this thread? I've been all about Caldwell Savages for the past few months. Built up a nice little sitting stock of 'em, but now I wanna get some more variety. Anybody got any reccs?
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>>2319935 That's because you aren't supposed to smoke pipes in public, Anondiddly
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>>2317722 Bought a couple tins of Sutliff and jarred my stuff yesterday.
>>2320318 Illusione Fume D’Amour in the Clementes vitola. It uses no ligero, so strength wise it’s super mild, but it’s full of flavor. It uses tobacco from the Aganorsa farm, which is notable for having a Cubanesque flavor profile. For a connecticut cigar, I’d recommend a Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust Sobremesa Brulee in Robusto, or the Blue version of the same blend which comes in only one size. Then of course the Oliva Serie V Melanio, in the Robusto or Figurado size. All three of these would rank among my favorite non-Cuban cigars.
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>>2320601 Screenshotted. Gonna pull thisnup next time I'm at the cigar shop (I like to buy singles of new smokes in person, from the joint down the street with a walk-in humidor so that they're at least passable same day. Then I bulk buy whatever I like online and give those time in my own humidor)
Anyone have knowledge of Grabow pipes? I want to buy a billiard, but they seem to have two or three different models and I'm not clear on the differences. There's the Savoy, the Omega, and the retailer I'm looking at lists another one just as "Dr. Grabow full bent".
>>2320314 this shit again. We need to expand the fucking OP post
>Anons create hyper specific general thread, about smoking tobacco, from a pipe. That's it, that's what the thread is about. Maybe cigars get a pass, sometimes, but that's it. >Stonerfags constantly derail the thread to talk about weed >Pipeanons clarify in the OP. No weed allowed, just tobacco here please. >Stonerfags rage "NO WEED ALLOWED!!!1! LE WEED BAD LE TOBACCO IS LE GOOD FAGGOTS REEEEE!!!1!1" We don't hate weed. I fucking smoke weed. We just want a specific thread about smoking tobacco from a pipe. We'd be mad if you derailed the thread to talk about scuba diving, or Nascar racing, or the war in Ukraine too. It just happened with weed so often we needed to add it to the OP.
Why is it that everyone understands the don't derail the thread rule, except for fucking stoners?
How bad are non-briar hardwood pipes really? I see cherry and pear woods used a lot on pipes on the Internet, especially the cheaper fancy carved ones you find on Etsy. I assume they are better than corncob but worse than briar, but where on the spectrum do they fall?
>>2321032 Something to be careful about is the type of wood used. A lot of handmade pipes are made with allergenic woods and aren't safe to smoke. Popular example would be Flogglewerks, which makes decorative pipes (like LotR stuff) out of unsafe wood like myrtle.
I don't know anything else about non-briar hardwood pipes, except that Missouri Meerschaum's "Ozark" line is quality for the price. Basically non-cob cob pipes.
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>>2321009 I hate weed...also stoners and stoner culture theyre the fucking worst right behind spandex wearing petes coffee fags.
>>2321032 >I assume they are better than corncob nope, cob has the advantage of being very light which makes them very comfortable and at least the MM ones are good smokers, every single one of them. Other hardwood pipes are somewhere between el cheapo, guys that like whittling fancy hardwoods but know shit about pipes and the okish hardwood pipes.
>>2321056 >>2321421 So what I'm getting here is that the issue isn't so much the wood itself, but more that the build quality usually sucks, because anyone who is good at making a pipe just uses briar?
>>2321440 >wood can suck because not heat resistant or outright toxic >pipe can suck because made by non smoker for aestehtic purposes >pipe can suck because cheap chink shit Exceptions are the occasional very expensive olive wood custom pipe and MM cherrywods.
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>>2321440 see
>>2321444 If you want to experiment with hardwood, just buy from a reputed company that makes other pipes as well. They'll know what they're doing. MM hardwoods are cheap if this is just a passing fancy. Avoid Chinese shit and avoid Flogglewerks.
I used to be pretty indifferent about the war but now it's personal
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I’m drunk af drinking some Guinness and smoking some Father Dempsey. How are you guys doing?
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>>2306293 Kick the captain black. Missouri meerschaum is a pretty good corncob company. If you want something slightly nicer, look into ascorti. If you want something actually nice, look for a real tobacconist. I know of some in Indiana and Ohio but nowhere else.
>>2306293 Prince Albert is good. Not flavored, just burley. Pretty cheap. The working man's pipe tobacco.
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>>2321933 titts or gtfo: the pipe
Alright lads, straight or bent?
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I do have trouble keeping my pipe lit for some reason. I'll try OP's advice and use less tobacco next time. I just don't smoke often enough to perfect my packing technique I guess.
>>2322100 Small, straight pipes for me. Since the thing that got me into pipe smoking was footage of British soldiers in WW1 puffing on their pipes. I wanted to be like them for some reason.
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>>2322100 bent. bent as fuck!
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>>2322100 for a first, straight
you'll figure out how far you like it away from you
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>>2320902 I haven't looked into them since the early 2000s, but for a long while, they were among the more commonly known mass-produced pipes.
Generally they smoke well, but they can be drilled a little off. I bought one as my first briar pipe. The draft was drilled a little high, just enough to cause issues. Some are drilled about right, and don't have the same problem.
>>2321440 Olive wood, basically any fruit tree (pear, peach, apple), and a handful of other hardwoods can be safe smokers. But some woods should be avoided for the purpose.
Are Savinelli pipes generally good? I wanted to get into pipe smoking for a while and saw a Roma 603 on a clearance sale and got it with a tin of Peterson Connoisseur’s Choice. If anyone has tried either this pipe or tobacco, what should I expect? Wonder if I should have gone with the $5 corn cob first.
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>>2323069 >Are Savinelli pipes generally good? Yes, absolutely. I do not own that pipe and I have not tried that blend but you should definitely be happy with the pipe. Maybe you should have gotten the cob just in case you find yourself not really enjoying pipe smoking but you can always sell the Peterson. If you do enjoy smoking you should get a cob too anyway. It's nice to have a have a beater pipe plus cobs smoke dry which is nice especially for aromatics. I smoke aromatics rarely but when I do I throw it in one of my cobs.
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>>2323069 Well you generally can’t go wrong with a Savinelli. I’ve never smoked a 603, but you can be assured that any pipe from Savinelli will smoke well. Like the other anon said, buying a good MM cob pipe, or a few, would still be a wise choice if you smoke aromatics or anything that would heavily ghost a pipe. Also, if you find you like the Savinelli, I’d also recommend getting a couple Rossi pipes. They’re made by Savinelli, possibly even actual Savinelli pipes that have minor cosmetic flaws, but cheaper. You can find them for as low as $40, and they smoke just as well as a regular Savinelli.
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>>2321032 they're just okay, i have a cherry churchwarden and it tends to get much hotter much quicker than any of my briars
>>2322043 PA isn't cheap anymore, they've entirely quit making the pouches and only sell the cans which are around $40
>>2323069 i love my alligator 614 and dublin 621, if you want a cheap savinelli you can get a rossi pipe, which is basically savinelli's economy line these days, same pipes just less polished but still smoke very good for half the price
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Smoking pipes is gay af
>>2323371 >alligator 614 That looks sweet anon. Is it green?
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A friend gifted me some of his pipes recently and two of them are communist Albanian manufacture, it really shows with this small one - how crudely the pattern has been worked into the head, yet it's obviously handmade. Lads, I'm in love.
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>>2321032 Olive is nice and they're usually cheap. It did have a faint hint of olive oil for the first few smokes.
Is this a good pipe? I'm a cigar smoker, I want to start smoking pipe. Perhaps I have poor taste, but I'm having an hard time finding a pipe that I like aesthetically
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>>2323412 yeah, it's the green one, i'd like to get the brown and blue versions too
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>>2323497 ropp is fine, they're nice economy pipes
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>>2323497 >but I'm having an hard time finding a pipe that I like aesthetically weird, there's literally millions of them in all shapes and sizes.
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>be me >beautiful spring day >cherry blossom seasons >load my schaum with SOB >load my pipe pipe pouch with my schaum >stroll an hour to my favourite cherry orchard >have a sit >realize I left my fucking pipe pouch at home and I don't get a smoke fuck this shit.
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>went to see potential client the other day to understand sow >had talked to him a few years ago at his winery and bought some awesome zinfandel (not that I know fuck all about wine) >old guy with big handlebar mustache >client has an old display cabinet maybe ~5ft tall filled to the brim with pipes >couple hundred at least Was super cool, i'll ask if I can take a picture next time if an opportunity comes up.
>>2323371 >PA isn't cheap anymore, they've entirely quit making the pouches and only sell the cans which are around $40 $2.57/oz isn't bad, but obviously that's internet prices and any B&M would have it for double that.
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>>2323831 yeah, but it's $40 for a can, compared to the $3.87 i was paying at my local grocery for a 1.5oz pouch
i'd rather get the 1.5oz than buy a whole can that's going to sit around for months, if not years, since i don't smoke PA all that much
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>>2303305 cigars and pipes are fine if your keep your mouth clean
>>2305894 >Dude weed lmao Dude tobacco lmao
You're all cut from the same cloth, don't pretend it's somehow more enlightening to enjoy tobacco as if anyone around you even cares to differentiate the two considering they're at the same level of commonness now
Where can I get small stubby pipes like this?
Was looking at some premium pipes but I'm a bit surprised at the price range, for example I saw a dunhill pipe for roughly 900 bucks, I cannot imagine where the value is in something like that. How does that work? What makes a pipe valuable or expensive? Especially at that price range.
>>2326147 Chris Morgan has some models.
>>2326196 Diminishing returns, like is a $900 knife better than a $200 knife?
>>2326259 Been wanting to do this also but I have no space.
Does tobacco do well in pots?
>>2326284 it does great in raised beds
>>2326329 >those leaves I am
>>2326259 and will be growing from seed for the first time. I don't smoke, never have, but I'm thinking of gifting some of the leaves, and retaining some for myself to try.
>>2303148 can a 40 year old get addicted if he never smoked before?
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>>2326343 Yes, nicotine is addictive as hell.
>>2326340 it's a very long process. i would not bother unless i smoked. you'll probably fuck up for a few years before you get it right.
>>2326355 How hard can it be? All you do is dry the leaves once they've reached maturity, right?
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>>2326196 You won't get any practical benefit past a ~$100 Savinelli or Peterson.
>>2326405 lol
>>2326405 >>2326411 like, i don't want to deter you, but it's not easy getting a decent smokable product and "how hard can it be?" is never a good attitude going into something new lmao
just level set and keep your expectations low, read forum posts by old guys from the early aughts, and be ok with composting a ton of organic matter after you fuck up.
>>2326777 How did the americans do it 12 thousand years ago?
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>>2326405 >How hard can it be? Famous last words.
>>2326788 they had 8000 years of practice, anon
>>2326808 But how did they do it?
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>>2326809 fire and air curing, building smokehouses or cure huts, having enough volume to be able to throw away the outer layer of a pile and smoke the inner, also having iron lungs that could tolerate significantly more raw leaf than we're used to today, also having absolutely nothing better to compare to.
>>2326777 >"how hard can it be" is never a good attitude going into On the contrary it's the attitude that gets you to take on new projects and take up new skills. If not for unrealistic optimism, no one would ever try anything different, because in real life shit is hard. Do your research and brace yourself for a few failures before you succeed, but if you think curing your own tobacco would be cool fuckin go do it.
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>>2317109 You are better off with ZIN or ON fake chew , snuff is pretty nasty stuff and you will be sneezing black pretty much all the time . Putting up your nose like it’s cocain is pretty fun, convincing people it’s something else great.
I once asked a kid in university if he would want to sniff some forgetme dust before the exam after taking a big line of the brown powder , he was terrified .
But yeah then it drips down your throat and all the fun times you had doing it off DVDs and your fingers kinda isn’t worth it.
>>2326817 if the only way you try new things is if you think it'll be easy, that's your problem. otherwise you'll just be depressed from surprise failures.
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>>2326840 I don't know. That "how hard can it be" sentiment has caused me to launch on a lot of probably ill-advised projects but I am happy that I did all of them, they inevitably took 3x the time and money I thought they would but did result in me having some cool new skills. Even if the project all goes to shit in the end
A nice bowl of jackknife plug is one of the few comforts I allow myself when I'm larperating in the NV bush. Caps off the evening well with a hot meal and some cool water.
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What do you all think of Darby pipes? I picked a Darby estate pipe up for cheap at a flea market on a whim. It was the first briar I had ever smoked--only corncobs and cheap hardwood before--and in my limited experience it was the best smoke I had ever had. The next day I got drunk and lost it like a retard. I know it's no Dunhill but how are they? Are they on par with cheap briars like MM and Dr Grabow? I want that briar smoking experience again but I'm broke as hell, should I get another estate Darby off Ebay for 20 bucks, or buy a new Dr Grabow or other cheap new production briar?
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>>2326876 Looks like a hell of a good time, are you doing any drills
>>2326876 >brings an ass heavy gun so he can LARP as a real man fatties are very weird people.
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>>2327106 >basic bitch AR-15 with some camo tape >ass heavy gun What the fuck do you think is a lightweight gun? As rifles go that's pretty damn lightweight. When I LARP innawoods with my pipe I bring my SKS which is a hell of a lot heavier.
>>2303148 Anyone here use oral snuff? I didn't know where else to ask.
I bought some McChrystals Snuff and kinda like it, but when im trying to search online for a better container or device to scoop it all i come up with is endless quit smoking bullshit.
to keep it pipe related as well: I got some cherry smoker friendly brand pipe tobacco because it smelled so good in the bag.
I actually don't have a pipe anymore though. I was gonna just buy a kit with a pipe, tools, and carrying case to smoke with from amzn for like 20ish. care to make any recommendations on a decent first or 2nd(if i do go with the amzn kit first) pipe?
>>2327291 Pöschl snuff bottle, it was originally developed for miners,snuff was popular because no smoking underground. costs like $2. Get some original Schmalzler (Bavarian snuff) to go with it.
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>>2327299 P.S. Schmalzler (at least the classic stuff) has no aromatics, it is just pure, highly fermented tobacco. Pic related is one of my favourites.
>>2327291 literally missouri meerschaum legend
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>>2327337 kek i saw a box of those at my local smoker friendly i nearly grabbed one.
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this got to be my Favorite rolling tobacco ive tried. It tastes right, cigarish, its satiating. and cheap. i also smoked whole tin of capstan blue flake tobacco by rolling it. no filter. It was good. Should i try drum? or what else is there spectacular to try?
>>2303306 >"only losers...." that sir is a very low I.Q. statement to express especially given all of the scientific evidence to support the fact that nicotine is highly addictive.
perhaps you, yourself haven't smoked long enough for the full nicotine demon embrace to take hold.
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>>2327731 Cigarettes are made so you get way more of the nicotine hit.
>>2326201 Looks good but it's difficult to find them, at least here in Europe.
I'm finding I have trouble with cobs, they are inconsistent to flat out unpleasant. I think briars are just more forgiving of my sloppy technique but I figured I'd ask if anyone has similar experiences
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>>2328322 bruh corn cob pipes are cheap shit. you dont get one for its quality you get one for its ability to mostly get the job done for <$5.
>>2328322 i personally did not feel comfortable investing in a good briar pipe until i got good with a cob. i was afraid i'd destroy it somehow
>>2326840 What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like an autist. This isn't life or death, faggot: I want to grow some tobacco from seed, and it doesn't really matter if it works or not. I asked for advice, not a fucking criticism on my attitude. Fuck you and every other nay-sayer.
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I wish RussO made more perique blends. Smoking the last of my P-37
>>2328258 Danishpipeshop has a few
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>>2328455 lmao what a crybaby
please do post back how your leaf smokes, can't wait
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>>2328566 Thanks for the heads up, I might just order one from there.
Just impulse bought a Brebbia Party Sabbiata. I just can't resist those cute little Bulldogs.
any tips for growing tobacco plants? thinking about growing some strong burley and smoking the leaves over sugar maple
>>2330109 the growing is the easy part, it's the post processing that's tricky. but just ask
>>2326405 this retard, he thinks it's easy.
>>2330109 Look into curing and processing, there's a not insignificant time and expense involved in doing it right.
>>2330477 Yeah, "how hard can it be?" are some famous last words. Art, music, darkroom photography, knife making, brewing, knitting, leatherwork, and electrical showed me that and I actually looked up what it took first. It can be really fucking hard.
>>2330594 "How hard can it be" is not at all a bad attitude to have when it comes to something as low-stakes as this. I am perfectly content with failing and learning from my mistakes, which is the inverse of over-analyzing and inevitably not committing due to unfounded insecurities or anxieties of failure. It amazes me that I came here to get some advice, you got all butt-mad at my positive atittude, and are now still acting like you have any authority over what it takes to cure, despite the fact that you have yet to provide any actual advice. I fully admit that I know nothing about it, which is why I'm here asking for help, but you just threw it back in my face when I expressed casualness: you should check your own attitude, bro.
>>2330641 you've now replied to three different people, from what i can tell, all of which are telling you it's hard. we're not trying to stop you from trying, it just makes no sense that you're saying you want to go through this long process for something you won't even enjoy.
>I don't smoke, never have, but I'm thinking of gifting some of the leaves, and retaining some for myself to try. We're just saying it's a huge amount of time, trial and error, and even money to commit to something you don't even seem to care about. Don't give anyone your shit leaf until you A) know how to smoke, and B) have figured out the process enough to be proud of it. Raw tobacco is SHITTY to smoke, as is overly dry, overly wet, over fermented, under cured, etc etc.
Please, do go for it and try, and report your findings, but i'm just worried you're gonna have a bad time.
Wasn't Anon in previous thread pressing some leaves to make flake? What happened, was it successful? I hope it didn't mold over and he was forced to throw it out.
>>2330641 It's a terrible attitude to have over an ingestible that's meant to be enjoyed. Much like bad hooch retards who can't do 5 minutes of research and apply some basic knowledge of the biological processes involved make, it not only tastes like shit, but gives you a headache and the deadly funk that can grow will kill or permanently maim you. "Haha I don't even smoke lol" puts you in the same category as people I don't hand anything sharper than a butter knife to. I would never eat anything you prepared or even handled for an unknown amount of time. I wouldn't let you near a darkroom because you would immediately huff, mix or try to drink the chemicals. It may be stereotyping but anyone who does these things knows your type and avoids anyone who reminds them of it for their physical safety.
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>>2330477 >>2330594 i ordered some burley 21 seeds, i plan to harvest the leaves and smoke them over maple chips/scraps, because i have so much of it, then store them in charred maple pin casks for a few weeks to hopefully impart a traditional spirit aroma
i'll be sure to update how it turns out
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>>2330740 might've been me
>>2330649 it smokes, but it's raw still. giving it another 3 months to age. might've fucked up somehow, but it is totally smokable and give a decent head feel to it. taste is just very very raw.
The more time I read on Tobacco Reviews and Lebbit, the more I hate pipe smokers. Is there any place other than /out/ where people talk about pipe smoking and aren't completely up their own asses?
>>2328615 My bull dog ended up being my least favorite pipe, I actually gifted it to a friend. I suspect it had more to do with the size of it than the shape but I have not seen another bulldog or rhodesian that has caught my eye.
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>>2328440 You will be fine, jump in with both feet, you can get a very good briar for under 100 bucks.
The middle pipe was about 80 bucks, the morta in the foreground was 140 and the Olivewood in the back was 220-240. All three smoke wonderfully.
>>2331418 Thats indeed odd, my Stanwell 191 is my favourite pipe and that's a small bulldog. I don't know, maybe get help from a professional pipeologist to get over your bulldogophobia?
>>2331031 No, snobby hobbyists are universal, especially when it's something you eat/drink/smoke
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>>2331506 If I can get an olivewood with a large bowl I might.
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>>2330649 >>2330746 You're right. I looked into it, and it's too much of an effort/investment for what I'd like to do. I'm not going to bother with it.
>>2331507 I'm more elitist than snobby, but thanks anyway for scaring the riffraff away.
>>2331691 An epicure cares about what they like, a snob care about what other people like.
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>>2331876 And anyone who unironically describes themselves as an "epicure" has blasted way past snobbery into the realm of insufferably pretentious prick. Shut up and go back to drinking your IPA
>>2322292 I have a cherry wood churchwarden I bought as my first pipe that smokes real nice. Am I getting the black lung or what
>>2321056 >myrtle wood is unsafe for pipes Got a source on this? I tried to find more info online, I see a lot of argument and speculation but no facts either way. What makes it unsafe?
>>2332064 https://www.wood-database.com/wood-articles/wood-allergies-and-toxicity/ Myrtle is not ideal, tagged as irritant and sensitizer. Still, it doesn't necessarily mean unusable. Take birch for instance. It's also tagged as irritant and sensitizer with the same potency rating as mytle. Still, birch pipes are sold commercially, see below.
https://www.danishpipeshop.com/d/Pipepack-Five-Pipes-Birch-Wood-Assorted-i10481.html Anonymous
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>>2331507 If I was into wine and someone started talking about arbor mist I would not take them seriously.
>>2332102 Some of it is related specifically to the dust generated when woodworking.
>>2332102 Sounds like
>>2332429 is right. All the information seems to be related to handling and working with the wood esp. when generating sawdust, not so much the finished products, and nothing to do with heating it up or smoking from it. And the reactions (except for a few that were pointed out in red in the site you posted, obviously I will not smoke from a pipe made of Poison Walnut) are all mild irritations as opposed to life threatening concerns, I would be totally willing to smoke from a myrtle pipe and would simply stop if I felt any inflammation or itching.
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>>2332040 If you inhale the smoke, then yes, regardless of what you're smoking in.
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>>2321056 >>2321440 >>2332064 >>2332102 >>2332429 >>2332854 I have one of those flogglewerks myrtle pipes and it smokes really well, also never caused me any irritation.
According to them only the leaves and the bark are sensitizers which seems so be to be the case.
Fruit tree woods like apple and pear seem to be fine too.
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Cigar question. Has anymore tried Romeo y Julieta Reserve Amores? They're a small vitola. I've been getting into cigars and intend to get some small vitolas for short smokes. Plan to get Draw Estate T52 Coronets and Perdomo Champagne 10th Anniversary Puritos, and am considering the Amores to go along with these as I've enjoyed RyJ cigars before.
Pipe newfag here, I really enjoy smoking it so far but I am having trouble clenching for any length of time. I salivate so much it gets the pipe stem wet, it's really uncomfortable and I have to keep taking the pipe out of my mouth to wipe it off. Do people who clench just kinda deal with that, or am I doing something wrong?
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>>2334075 Part is technique, like not moving your tongue over the bite and pushing salvia in but smoke it gently and dry, part is using a pipe that is actually good for clenching, lightweight and (semi) bent, part is getting used to it and knowing when you got some salvia in and need to gently tap it out.
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Had my new brebb in the mail the other day. She has a pretty pattern which I really like. It weighs 40g and the shape of the bowl is on the wide side for a pipe this small, also 9mm filter.
>>2327106 >calls one of the lightest rifles known to man ass heavy >calls someone fat despite there being no indication they're fat >mocks them as LARPing as a real man Oh look, it's another faggot who posts on /out/ solely to ruin any enjoyment other people are having. What a surprise.
>>2334677 and, feel like a real man yet?
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>>2321009 youre such a flying faggot. lets talk about that
>>2334863 >lightweight soiboi whos scared of ~6lb "big scary assalt" rifle lectuing someone else about being a man Lol okay retard.
>>2335188 why are you so triggered fatty?
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>>2335195 You are the one pissed about a rifle.
>>2335195 >"A fear of weapons is a sign of emotional and sexual immaturity." - Freud Anonymous
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>>2335276 I don't miss my fal.
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>>2326876 >the pipe >the outfit >the ungodly amount of tape >M&P lower, you know he didn't assemble himself >wizard ring on the middle finger I unironically carry a gun because I know that weird fucks like you do as well
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>>2335195 Says the soiboi who got triggered because theres a gun in the picture...and acts like its heavy.
>y-your not a real man! Anonymous
How are Dr. Grabow pipes? Are they okay for babby's first briar if you're on a budget and can't afford to shell out for even a $80-100 pipe for a while? Or are they shitty enough you should stick to corncobs and hardwood until you can afford a better briar?
>nicotine free for what purpose?
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>>2335473 I guess for the ritual of it all.
I mean, that is a solid half of smoking a pipe for me, taking the time to pack it just so, taking a match instead of a lighter, the rhythm of breathing, it's all part of what makes smoking a pipe a relaxing experience. So if it's for someone who's overly concerned about niccotine addiction, or just trying to cut down but who still enjoys or finds pleasure in the ritual of it all, yeah, I can get that.
Why do Americans always have to make things weird? This was a comfy thread about pipes and tobacco and now we got the wizzard faction of /k/ and /pol/ here as it seems.
What's the benefit of using a pipe? I currently smoke cigars.
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>>2334075 I just spit a lot.
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>>2335637 Guns are not weird.
>>2335660 Pipe smokers look manly as fuck!
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>>2335660 You get to use a nicr pipe mainly.
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>>2335687 In theory all life can be eliminated. He tripped over a cliff into a yellwish ravine and smashed his skull on the rockbed.
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>>2335660 Pipe tobacco tastes very different.
>>2335660 For one thing, it's cheaper. For 10 bucks you can get one pretty good cigar, or 2 or 3 kinda shitty ones. Or you could get a couple ounces of decent bulk pipe tobacco online and have quite a few smoking sessions out of it, maybe not as good as the good cigar but certainly better than the cheap ones.
Also, aromatics. Yes, flavored cigars exist but they're not the same thing. When I want a really deep, nutty, woody, tobacco-tasting smoke I would prefer a cigar if I can afford one, but sometimes I want a smoke that is mild and sweet and makes the room I'm in smell like fuckin vanilla marshmallow goodness for a while. Cigars have nothing to compare to the room note nose orgasm that is cavendish tobacco.
>>2335392 >Are they okay for babby's first briar if you're on a budget and can't afford to shell out for even a $80-100 pipe for a while? That's a perfect use case. Plenty of people never bother with anything fancier.
>>2335687 He looks homosexual.
>>2335866 Na, he is just very manly. Typical homo is more like
>>2326876 Anonymous
>>2335871 >normal ass guy larping as an operator with an AR and some milsurp chilling with a pipe by the campfire >homo >dude wearing nothing but an assortment of leather jackets, hats and even a leather fucking tie posing with different facial hair all around his house and taking selfies smoking a pipe >manly ok
>>2335879 Xir who is posting is just mad about someone going outside with a firearm, so he us trying to make him seem gay.
It is the same shit they do with saying if you have a pickup you clearly have a small penis.
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>>2335840 Did you type this with one hand? You write like a coomer, but for tobacco.
>>2335879 >>2335887 please guys, you're so insecure about your sexuality it is likely you'd be living on a diet of semen only if it wasn't for your christcuck conservative parents.
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My point exactly. Praise be to Jesus Christ.
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>>2332102 they're fine if dried out and seasoned before being made into a pipe, i've made a couple osage orange pipes and never got sick or anything
Why smoke tobacco dude. Weed is literally legal hombres.
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>>2335991 Puffing and having a retarded think is more fun sober.
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>>2335917 These gays are gayer than pic related, and pic related was pretty gay.
>>2321009 shut the fuck up you tobacco smoking faggot. ill beat the fuck out of your physically weak bitch ass faggot
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>>2335660 I’m a cigar smoker at heart, but I do smoke a pipe often. For me, I smoke pipes mainly in the fall and winter, or at night during the warmer months. I feel it fits the cold weather better. I usually can’t finish a cigar in the winter if it’s too cold. I end up smoking half of it, meaning I just wasted roughly $4-$7 depending on what I smoked. With a pipe, I can control how much tobacco I’ll smoke without having to waste any. I also find that the flavor of pipe tobacco (which is much different than cigar tobacco) just fits with the cold weather, especially a latakia blend that tastes like the smell of a fireplace during the winter. As another anon said, pipe smoking is cheaper. A lot cheaper. To get 20 smoking sessions from cigars, you’d have to buy 20 cigars, which on average would be $150-$250. If you wanted 20 smoking sessions with a pipe, that would be around $12 for a tin, which usually gets you 15-20 bowls. Admittedly, you’d have to buy a pipe too, which is pricy, but that pipe should last you a lifetime. I used to spend $400 on cigars monthly before I found pipes. $400 monthly on pipes and pipe tobacco could’ve gotten me a lot more than with cigars. I could’ve had a huge cellar built up by now. Also, it seems people like the smell of pipe tobacco more. Cigar smoke really lingers, and there’s a lot of it. With pipes, it usually smells quite warm and comforting, and there’s not anywhere near as much smoke coming off the pipe or out of your mouth compared to a cigar.
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>>2331031 Outside of these threads, the same people populate all of the pipe hobbyist forums. Hell, there may even be some here. They all worship the same people, like JimInks aka Jim Amash, who’s reviewed most of the blends on Tobacco Reviews. To be fair, he does good reviews, and I’ve found that he’s been pretty accurate. But you’re going to get a lot of snobby boomers in this hobby, or with cigars, or whiskey, or wine. It is what it is.
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>>2336057 >responding to a 3 week old post cry harder frogposter
I've been lurking these threads for a while and watching these cozy tutorials by muttnchop piper on youtube. I've finally decided on a kingston judge for my first pipe. Some anons said to get a pipe with a hardwood plug, but I can't figure out what that means. What does it mean for a pipe to have a hardwood plug?
>>2337463 Pretty sure they just mean a hardwood pipe. The most common hardwood (and pipe material in general) is briar. Cobs are perfectly fine, especially as first pipes.
Your pic looks solid, and MM is a good brand, but they have nice corncobs for half the price. Pic related (MM Country Gentleman) is my go-to. I don't think you'd regret the Judge, but you could get the same quality for less.
>>2337476 Thanks for the reply. The Country Gentleman is a nice pipe as well. I actually considered it, but I decided to go for an unfiltered pipe to start and I consider 30 bucks to be a fairly reasonable price tag. Would you say that filtered is best for a beginner? It also says that the Country Gentleman has a hardwood insert at the bottom of the bowl. I think that's the 'plug' I'm questioning. One last thing, is there any concern that smoking through acrylic could lead to inhalation of melted plastic?
Why the fuck doesn't Missouri Meerschaum actually sell any meers? I think they're too pussy to change their name to Missouri Corncob but it's all they fucking are at this point
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>>2337505 I'm pretty sure the concept is that Missouri's version of meerschaum is corncob. It's a bit of a joke
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>>2326788 literal perfect conditions for growing tobacco it would take a retard to fuck it up
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>>2326840 the way you talk is just fucking sad
what a loser
>>2328455 this
>>2334075 you dont have to clench the whole time like an autist
also either swallow or spit to deal with saliva
you get better over time, pay attention to tongue placement
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>>2337476 i really love the country gentleman, ive gained a lot of sentimental value for it, i was literally admiring its beauty the other day
i love that pipe
>>2337484 stop being an autist and just buy a damn missouri meerschaum and order some Va/Per blend from 4noggins
filters dont matter and just obstruct airflow
>>2337505 jesus christ are you retarded
>>2309306 >enjoy some pleasant flavors in my mouth This alone has made me realize pipe tobacco is less respectable than Newports
Are "Christmas pipes" a specific thing in some unclear way or are they just special editions no practically different than normal pipes?
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>>2340039 Yeah I don't get it. If I want some amazing flavors I'll make a bomb quesadilla with jalapeno and sour cream. Or toast and globs of strawberry jam. Or dab out some pre cum and lick its savory richness. And when I'm feeling really respectable, you know what's coming next
>>2321597 >((( what did he mean by that
>>2339983 I know it takes a lot of courage and guts, but I promise its amazing when you swallow it. Like yeah it's tempting to get a lick and taste it, but when you get a whole mouthful and you gotta just man tf u, savor it, and swallow. If diet is bad, flavor will be bad. Stick to tons of fruits and it's mind blowing
>>2340788 Christmas pipes are just special editions put out by manufacturers around the holiday. They can be any shape, size, material etc. They're usually just Christmas themed in some way such as colors (red and/or green) etc.
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>>2340809 That's how slav emoticons work. It's a very sad face :(((
haven´t smoked pipe in few years because it got so expensive but this spring i bought virginian tobacco seeds and the plan is starting to grow my own regularly if this first year batch comes out alright
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>>2340811 "smoking a pipe" is gay, yes
>>2340989 >haven't smoked pipe in a few years because it got so expensive Fucking how? Just buy bulk blends on 4noggins instead of those faggot tins, you can get very decent stuff for 4 bucks an ounce
>>2340989 How did they get a computer back to 1896 Appalachia? Literally complaining about loose tobacco prices lol wtf
>>2340825 I'm getting a corncob to learn on. Would a Savinelli St. Nicholas be a good general use pipe when I branch out?
>>2341730 St. Nicholas are the Xmas themed year pipes from Savinelli, not a specific model. There should be a model number with that to give you an answer.
>>2341980 I'm thinking about a bent billiard, so the 606.
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>>2342402 Ok, I take it all back. If you live in fucking new zealand, by all means grow your own and I wish you the best. Hell, start a black market while you're at it. Why the fuck did you people vote for that level of retardation?
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>>2303305 Every plant will produce tar when you burn it. Period. End of Story.
Pipe tobacco has the lowest rate of giving cancer and a light pipe smoker only has a 1% more likelihood of getting cancer than a non smoker according to an old study from I believe the surgeon general when they were putting the clampdown on cigarettes. If you're one of those niggers who talks shit about tobacco and then smokes pot, you should know pot carries 3x the amount of tar that burning tobacco does, as well as more carcinogens pound for pound. Not to mention smoking pot is gay as hell and makes you gay.
Take the pipe tobacco pill anon, you will learn the glory of everything from black cherry cavendish to latakia campfire
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anyone has experience with Kirsten Radiator Pipes?
>>2330713 Cute. I wish it was legal to grow tobacco plants in my country.
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>>2337505 the hardwood corn is the missouri meerschaum, you dunce
>>2343821 How could growing tobacco be outlawed?
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>>2344748 The exact same way it's outlawed to grow weed or make your own distilled alcohol. To do so legally you'd have to start a company and get a very expensive license from the government.
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>>2323069 Just buy a 20 dollar estate pipe off of ebay.
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>>2327291 Get a few tins from
https://www.mrsnuff.com/ or
https://www.toquesnuff.com/ . They have pretty much every snuff in manufacture right now.
Erinmore flake folded and stuffed into a straight bulldog. Going out.
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>>2320902 Just bought one for my first pipe. No complaints. I've found that I just need to get familiar with packing the tobacco with a bit more precision. Otherwise, it's fine. But, I'm also too new to the hobby to know the difference between a good and bad pipe for what it's worth.
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Ordered a tin of Peterson Deluxe Navy Rolls and a pouch of Mac Baren Virginia No 1 online yesterday. I've already had a pouch of the Mac Baren and loved it, never had a VaPer before though. It's a shame my local tobacco store mostly has aromatics.
>>2344853 I bought a tin of that recently and have smoked it a bunch of times now but I can't seem to get much flavour out of it. Got any tips?
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>>2342402 >154$ (104$ US) for a 50g tin what in the fuck
its like $15 a tin for the highest quality tobacco here
how does a country become that cucked
like another anon said, maybe try growing your own
or get into fancy teas or coffee instead kek
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>>2303306 >Nicotine is pretty much like caffeine. lol no matter how many cups of coffee I drink, I don't get the insane head rush that makes me feel like im about to start disassociating
Cannabis is the only pipe smokable herb as far as Im concerned. And THC-less hemp exists for everyone that can't handle a tiny bit of anxiety.