>>2312807>renaissance fair>>2315838>/ck/So, I was invented to a Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) event because I was familiar with camp cooking. They heard I've done whole hog on a spit before and wanted me to do one for the closing feast. But it had to be period prepped (not modern BBQ and spices) and period prepared (no electric motor turning it over coal.)
I did some research on spices and techniques. They gave me a monk's robe, basically, because I didn't have anything else and wasn't really down to play anyway. And assigned me some kitchen help.
We took shifts turning. And time turning the hog was assigned as punishment or for losing wagers and whatnot, so we had fresh arms.
I figured it would take like fourteen hours on the open wood fire.. Hit temp in ten.
They made a big production of carrying it. Apple in the mouth and everything. It was fun.
And delicious.