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Vanlife General and Bullshit

No.2314334 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Im sick of seeing all these "hipster" bitches post pictures and photos of their insta perfect vans on the internet like pic rel.

In reality, these builds take a shitload of time and money and at times seem completely impractical.

Im wondering though... is vanlife/vehicle dwelling a complete meme or is it actually somewhat feasible? Ive tried it in the past attempting to create a chevy astro camper, but it was so cramped it made it completely impractical. Im a homebody by nature too, which only complicates things more, as I need somewhere I can sit in and do nothing.

The most practical thing Im considering is purchasing and old U-haul or box truck, and converting that. I think it would effectively provide me with both stealth capabilities as box trucks are used commonly by businesses and the ability to have a space that I can comfortably relax in, granted Im able to properly keep the thing climate controlled.

I also do not plan on building this out at all, and am instead going to go for a utilitarian approach and will try to get all my necessities fulfilled in the bare bones cheapest way possible- think bare insulated walls and Tupperware containers for clothing.

The most important thing to me is ensuring that I have a constant and reliable connection to the internet. I plan on fulfilling this need by upgrading to an uncapped unlimited phone plan and using a newer generation Samsung phone as a mobile desktop workstation. This subject requires more research but I'm pretty sure its feasible.

Thoughts and reactions?