>>2333802I'm guessing you're in Victoria?
I'd strongly suggest heading north to somewhere with better weather. I grew up in Byron and the Abbos had a comfy little camp in the sand dunes behind one of the beaches there. Didn't look like a bad life at all, no doubt they're all flooded out now though.
Might be worth grabbing an Aboriginal flag shirt or necklace or something. Police are likely to cause less trouble if they think they might get called racist for it, and it's not like you can't be white-skinned af and claim Aboriginality these days.
Explain the situation to any Salvos or op shops you're looking for supplies in, there's a chance they'll set you up with some stuff for free.
I'd consider picking starting a tafe course online. You can get a laptop cheap and use library wifi as required. It'll free you from Centrelink's job seeker requirements and it'll mean you're doing something productive with this time that you're not working. Building up your skills and qualifications for the future is far better than fucking around doing nothing at all.