[9 / 2 / 7]
>be me
>Live in a very religious village
>Enjoy hiking and learning about edible plants and love the taste of some types of edible tree bark
>Friends jokingly call you the woodlands shaman
>Start wearing branches like deer antlers for the fun of it cause of the jokes
>wake up for work one day
>My mum tells me to stop hiking for a few days cause apperantly its not safe
>I asked her why
>A local forest watcher (very religious man) claims to have seen a demon
>Many people believed axe man was back (a local forest homeless guy who stole from people who lived near or in the forest) but he has confirmed to have died not long ago
>My mum and the majority of people think its just someone doing a prank but the more religious people and elderly believe it could have been a demon cause of his "features" that the watcher gave
"A darker figure who walks in the forest after dark with horns like antlers and leaves cuts in trees to mark "territory"
Mfw i became the local village folklore beast
>Live in a very religious village
>Enjoy hiking and learning about edible plants and love the taste of some types of edible tree bark
>Friends jokingly call you the woodlands shaman
>Start wearing branches like deer antlers for the fun of it cause of the jokes
>wake up for work one day
>My mum tells me to stop hiking for a few days cause apperantly its not safe
>I asked her why
>A local forest watcher (very religious man) claims to have seen a demon
>Many people believed axe man was back (a local forest homeless guy who stole from people who lived near or in the forest) but he has confirmed to have died not long ago
>My mum and the majority of people think its just someone doing a prank but the more religious people and elderly believe it could have been a demon cause of his "features" that the watcher gave
"A darker figure who walks in the forest after dark with horns like antlers and leaves cuts in trees to mark "territory"
Mfw i became the local village folklore beast