>>2362277>he goes all the timenah, i've watched all his missing persons shit from the last 6 months, you're just a triggered snowflake
>someone thought that they got a picture of the alien predator distortion fieldit's a neat story, a hs stadium full of people see some kind of anomaly/ ufo, lady hunting sees something weird right around the same time, phone glitches when she takes pictures
>>2362280>How the fuck do they expect to find traces of saltwater from a body that's been lying on a hillside half a year almosti looked it up, they also tested for any traces of microorganisms from the sea which there arguably would be traces of left in his clothing at least
>EVEN IN THE VIDEO YOU POSTED AT 36 MINUTES THE GUY TOTALLY DISMISSES ANY NORMAL EXPLANATIONSthere are no "normal" explanations, you try and come up with one schmuck
the plane found nearby (it was actually found many years after the body) had locked doors so if it was his that rules out somehow jumping out and landing relatively uninjured
>>2362272>Its his grift dude is digging up missing persons cases, requesting any info he can get on them, and combing through the cases finding the weirdest ones to present to us
that is actual work
i've never sent him any money (or been temped to) and barely any of his video's ads get through so i do not see this as a grift
>>2362268>the guy is out to lunchdude c'mon, you're aware of his circumstances
go back and watch before his son died and after, the difference even in presentation is striking
he is a shell of a man now that his son died so his work has less rigor and i think he himself is just more prone to woo now, but barely any trace of it makes it in his videos
i do agree with
>>2362089 that some things are underplayed or overplayed in the stories and some of the things he thinks are significant are probably just normal statistics, but this doesn't ruin the cases he talks about and a significant portion of them really are weird