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Ran away from home

No.2362152 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /out/. I'm the guy who made a bunch of running away from home and van threads a few weeks ago. Sorry I've taken so long to come back, I've been on the road and all my mobile ips are rangebanned.

>why should we care?
You claim that /in/cels never last /out/ but I'm out to prove that wrong. My plan to maintain comfort is to use my gym membership for showers at least every other day and going to a college library to study/charge stuff as well. I have an unlimited 5G hotspot through Calyx so, for the most part I'll always be connected.

>How is it out at this point?
It's not. My goal isn't to go out, it's to stop paying rent. I also have long-term unmedicated ADHD so going nomadic makes me feel fulfilled.