The existence of these trees doesn’t matter to nature, let’s say they disappeared for some reason, they would be replaced by new growth, nature won’t care. These trees in that regard really only matter to humans, and they matter for the sake of romanticism
>muh old trees
It’s like that old dead tree in NZ on that lake I think it was. People get really upset about anyone touching or climbing on it. Despite it being a single tree, a dead one that at that, but they cbf about people and kids climbing on many living trees nearby (which isn’t a problem imo). They care about this particular one for aesthetic reasons, the “oh it’s so pretty” factor, again it’s romanticism rather than respecting nature. Nature doesn’t discern between what’s aesthetic and pleasing to people and what’s less so, these things don’t have value greater than anything else in nature. They only have greater value to humans, decided upon by humans.