1) I cannot believe that there is anyplace in America, outside a urine-soaked metropolitan shooting-gallery shit-hole run by enemy Democrat scum, that would forbid you to carry any kind of knife you liked while hunting mushrooms.
2) Almost any knife will do. There is a famous mycologist who is known for using a plastic knife from the McDonald's where he had breakfast.
3) Do not listen to the morons telling you to just grab them out in the woods and then wait to clean them at home. Only newbies do this. Clean them before they go in your basket, or the gills and pores will be filled with sand and grit that is nearly impossible to clean out. Take a 2 inch paintbrush, cut off at an angle so you have short stiff bristles at one end and long floppy soft bristles at the other end. That will allow you to clean delicate, lightly soiled mushrooms as easily as mud-caked lobster mushrooms.