>>2385826you can compost anything, but what you compost and how you compost it will determine what you can then use that compost on.
the traditional normie compost is usually done in some kind of bin or container that is either open air like a open topped wooden crateish/fenced in pile, or something you can close like a 50 gallon barrel (made of food grade safe materials). poorfags just pile everything into a heap. The average normie will only say to compost kitchen scraps and non-weed plant materials. This is the simplest way to ensure that the compost doesnt get contaiminated.
However, you can also make compost teas by basically creating stagnant swamp water by tossing abunch of materials into a bucket/50gallon drum and then letting it sit in water for 3+ weeks. This is typically poured on seedlings and root crops, or at least a month+ before harvesting for human consumption because this shit is really bad for a person to eat since its basically stagnant swamp water.
Using worms specifically is called vermiculture, and for vermiculture you are going to want some kind of container that has an opening or drain at the bottom so you can harvest the liquid that accumulates at the bottom. This also allows you to keep the worms in the same area. An old bathtub is the tacky-idea way to do this but you can find lots of normie videos where people stack plastic contains instead.
Chad carrot pilled gardeners use combinations of all systems and compost everything, including weeds and grass clippings and leafs and dead pets, leftover meat, guts ect ect.
They dont care if the pile becomes oxygen starved and rots because its still usable by your plants, you just have to handle it more carefully. Just watch out for pesticides, herbicides, and whatever else some dumb boomer might be spraying near you and avoid that contaminated shit.
anything buried deep enough will be broken down , even 'weeds' full of seds. its all a matter of how much work you want to do.