>>2392337>>2391205The cool thing about climate change is that it's a self-solving problem.
Humanity experiences cyclical changes in culture and technology. The archetype of this is as follows:
>Be an up-and-coming culture>Assimilate and conquer your neighbors>Use the resulting cash flow to develop new art, science, philosophy>population explodes>Economic structure becomes unsustainable, placing too much strain on the ecosystem>"Droughts", "floods", "little ice ages", etc, which would have been no problem for the previous system, now make it impossible to feed everyone>Famine, war, pestilence, death>People experiment with new ways of working with the ecosystem, ones that preserve the services it provides>rinse and repeatClimate issues have happened before - In fact, the entire mediterranean faced one such "drought" that brought the civilizations of the Bronze Age to their knees.
In the coming centuries, there's gonna be knock-down, drag-out global strife as the old system becomes impossible. People will then find new ways of living that allow humanity even greater progress than what we see today.
Another great thing is this: every new society that shapes the next great cycle of the world emphasizes the rights and duties of the individual, along with proper social and sexual morals. From the Greco-Roman world, to the explosion of the Abrahamic faiths, to the enlightenment philosophers that shaped America - freedom, honor, and patriotism are unkillable.